Clwb Cardiau Post Cymraeg

Hi Robert, I’m not sure if its @nia.llywelyn , @Cetra or @fiona dix who’s in charge of mailing lists right now (or someone completely different!), but hopefully I’ve attached/“hassled” enough people here that the right one will see and add you :grin:
Have fun writing your postcards!

Hi @robert-john-summers ! Croeso! To join the club, or for more info, contact cardiaupost at :slightly_smiling_face: Perhaps you’d also be interested in our competition for World Book Day… check out this thread: World Book Day 2023 competition!

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Thanks all. Going to drop yous an e-bost rŵan :wink:


There’s someone talking about it at Radio Cymru right now. I understood enough to get here :sweat_smile:

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Hi @TinaCich that was me :sweat_smile: :joy: ! And well done!! :heart_eyes: There are more details of the competition I was talking about that the Postcard Clwb has arranged for World Book Day in this thread if you’d like to take part :heart_eyes:: World Book Day 2023 competition! - #7 by Cetra
You don’t have to be a member of the club to enter, so go for it! :slight_smile:

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Hello Cetra! Diolch for your reply! And it was nice listening to you, even if I only understood a tiny bit.
I’ll have look at everything later. My son just came home…

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Well, now he’s doing his homework and I had a quick peek…
I think, a story on a postcard is a great and encouraging idea!
Alla i ddim cofio sut i writ (?) Gymraeg :joy:
Maybe next year, if I manage to stick with learning this time :+1:
And to think I even had the basic teaching licence 18 years ago :grimacing:


If you like postcards and speaking Welsh why not come along


Shwmae bobl, dyma linc i fy lluniau o cyfarfod yn Garth Newydd penwythnos diwethaf. Gobeithio fyddwch chi’n eu mwynhau. Hwyl, Gareth M


Diolch @gareth-mitchell ! :star_struck:

Croeso @Cetra

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This weeks episode of Curadur features Aled, a founding member of the Clwb Cardiau Post and some other Clwb members including Marcus and the history of him creating Garth Newydd!! :star_struck: :heart_eyes:


Sam was also there! :paw_prints::wales:📮


Thanks to everyone involved in the clwb! I’ve had a “llond llaw go iawn” of cards in my first month as a member from over the world and still have a few more that are written and ready to post. It’s been great fun to open the mail box and not just find bills!


Hi everyone. Today I’ve received this nice postcard, but unfortunately the sender has missed off their name and membership number! Does anyone recognise this card, I’d like to send a reply if possible.
The writer mentions that they used to sail a boat at Pwllheli before covid if that helps.


Diddorol! :face_with_monocle:
I think it could be Erica Mackie or Janine Hall? ( mae Erica yn aelod mwy newydd, Janine yn aelod eitha cynnar o’r CCPC) @charlie-o

I’ve got to show you all this (I’ve obscured the recipient’s address, of course, but also her name/reference to her state given the thread is public)

A card of mine to an American member went the VERY long way round (about 9,000 miles more than necessary, give or take a few) to Malaysia. It did eventually make its way to the lady in question but she sent me a photocopy of my card complete with “oops, we messed up” stamp.

I can’t stop giggling. This has made my day. I’ve successfully confused the Post Office!


Cystadleuaeth y Nadolig | Christmas Competition:

Creu cerdyn post ar y thema ‘Heddwch’ mewn unrhyw gyfrwng. Dyddiad cau Tachwedd 15. Anfonwch eich ceisiadau at gyfeiriad #71 ar y rhestr neu

Create a Christmas postcard on the theme ‘Peace’ using any medium. Closing date November 15. Send your entries to address #71 on the list or

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