Hi Andrew! We’d love to have you along… So far it’s been a case of make it up as we go along. Bit like life then…
Good luck with the move!
There is a group that meet near Winchester - this is the entry in the weekly email:-
Winchester - FORTNIGHTLY on odd weeks of the year, Thurs, 7pm, The Cart and Horses, in London Rd, Kings Worthy, Winchester, SO23 7QN (Contact mikebrown )
Hi guys, would someone mind explaining where it is that we’re meeting today please? Not sure how to find it…
Hey Natalie, as a long-term SSiWer, i can see that you probably haven’t realised yet that once you get past the first challenge, you can have a conversation, even though you’ll be a little short of topics…!
I used to rethink every sentence in order to say what I wanted using words that I knew at the time…
As @AlanP said, Skype is good news!
Pob lwc!!
It’s in the building at the end of Cambridge Road on the corner where it joins the gyratory system and which backs onto the United Services recreation ground. The entrance is nearly opposite the Co-op in the student union building.
I don’t know where the Chaplaincy centre is within the building.
See you there at one.
Lovely, ta!!
Hi Gary yes I really must sort Skype out, I’ve not used it for a few years. Thank you for your encouragement, I make up sentences to the dog and slip in the English when I don’t know the word! I’m off to North Wales next month so I’m hoping to try it out then! Diolch yn fawr iawn
Natalie, don’t hope, just do it!!! A trip to North Wales? Heaven…
Anyway, I’m hoping that two colleagues @rhiannon_in_sussex and her husband may be able to join us at some stage!
I’m looking forward to our third meeting next week.
Another good meeting today, and I believe we may have the seedlings of a regular weekly meeting. We have an offer of a regular spot in the chaplaincy, at the University in Portsmouth (the administrator’s Mam is from Splott). Free tea/coffee, bring your own lunch. Normally meet at 1pm-2pm, and can comfortably seat up to at least 10. Please let me know if you’re interested.
Yes heaven indeed!
Goodluck with the meetings. I work full time but maybe one day I can make it to one, fingers crossed.
Hi Natalie, did you know that there’s a meeting this Saturday in Portsmouth between 1 and 4 pm?
Let me know if you want something adding to the list in the weekly newsletter
Hi. I’m not sure if this group is still going but are there any Welsh speakers/learners in Winchester?
Hi, I know Covid has put paid to meet ups this year but thought I’d post in this thread in case things kick off again. I’m in Swanmore which is between Southampton and Portsmouth and not far from Winchester either. Cheers, Max
Hi Alan - I’m a second-language Welsh speaker, although a bit rusty these days. I live in Ryde, and would be happy to meet up for a natter sometime.
Pob hwyl, Chris
Hi Natalie
I’m also happy to have a chat sometime, if others are still interested. I live in Ryde but can travel island-wide.
Pob hwyl, Chris
There are a couple of groups in the area that might be of interest:
This group meets in Fareham, twice a month on a Saturday morning:
And this one meets every Monday morning in Bishop’s Waltham
Shwmae Chris, Well done on finding this older thread. Would be very happy to meet up in either Ryde or Newport (I’m in south-west Wight). The Bargeman’s would be a good meeting-place in Newport, or I’ll leave you to suggest somewhere in Ryde. Late morning or early afternoon would suit me best. Direct message me if that’s easier.
(If my memory serves me correctly, Natalie moved from the Island to North Wales a few years ago.)
Hwyl, Alan.
Hi Alan & Chris
I’m also on the Island in West Wight. I’m quite new at Welsh so would massively benefit from meeting & chatting with you both
Hi Sally, I’ve messaged you directly. Alan.
Helo. My name is Anne Allen and I live in Bembridge and have been learning Welsh for a few years. Our 3 sons all live in Wales. I would be interested to know if you arrange to get together. It would be good to try and chat! Diolch. Anne