The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** 💮 (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Congratulations on passing the test @pen-1, @nick-wilson @HeidiDaniels (and possibly @rebecca-pound )

@rebecca-pound - You don’t need to record yet in week 6, just say it to yourself and let us know if you’ve succeeded :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Ooops :rofl: Well I recorded it anyway and posted it :smiley: What do I do now?

Haha, yes - I saw it afterwards! You’ve now got both the pink badge and the red badge, so you’re good for now. You’ll get instructions for your green badge and blue badge later :slight_smile:

Aww Thank you :slight_smile: Getting a bit ahead of myself and not knowing how to navigate this forum :smiley:

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Done. :grinning:

Done it! Bendigedig!

Da iawn @lis-farrington a @jim-mctaggart :partying_face: :partying_face: :tada:

Diolch yn fawr! :grinning:

Done it!

Da iawn @philip-deacon! :star_struck: :partying_face:

Done it!

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Done it, thankfully.

Done it!

Done :heavy_check_mark:

Done it!

Gwych, llongyfarchiadau to you all! :partying_face: :star_struck: :tada:



Done it :+1:

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Done. whew

Da iawn @blake-smith a @julia-f-learn :star_struck: :partying_face:

Done it