The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** 💮 (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Done! (What a glorious profile picture as well, if I can say so, Novem)

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Gwych, da iawn @Catseye a @CalonGoch-Felen :partying_face: :partying_face: :star_struck:

(And thank you - It’s a painting by my mother! :heart:)

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Managed on the first go with minutes on the clock! Was rather nervous but I surprised myself with how much ahd stuck from just these five weeks! :smiley:

Hi Novem
I have sent in my recording of the question for week 20 challenge 19, you may have to turn the sound up a bit. And have also sent a written reply to Keiran-jones question in Cymraeg but I have not received my green or blue badge. Look forward to hearing from you.

Don’t worry Catseye - Novem is in the middle of moving house at the moment but I’m sure he’ll be back to awarding badges as soon as he’s settled.

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Yep, done it.

Da iawn @MaryLairre a @jacky-8 :partying_face: :tada:

@Catseye - sorry about the delay but I’ll have a look now :wink: :slight_smile:

i have completed the rask n 5 minutes.

I did it some time ago - about week 9. But still find online interactions confusing so didn’t put a notice up. Also when I recorded it I could see something had recorded but I couldn’t hear it.

Done it :slight_smile:

Llongyfarchiadau @suzanne, @caroline-malone a @lowri-hamer!

@caroline-malone - Sorry to hear that! Perhaps there was a problem with the microphone?

Done it!

Feeling pretty pleased with myself and can’t wait to get a badge, or whatever.

Gwych! Da iawn @emma-SelandNewydd :tada: :star_struck: :partying_face:

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Done !

Done it

Da iawn @denise-atkinson-2 a @glynne! :star_struck: :tada:

All done! :slight_smile:

  1. dwi’n moyn mynd Cardiff.
  2. dwi’n mynd i dysgu Cymraeg achos mae’n diddorol.
  3. alla i ddim cofio sut i dweud beth dwi’n moyn.
  4. ma eisiau i fi ymarfer mwy.
  5. dwi ddim yn siwr os beth galla i dweud.
  6. ond dwi’n mynd i trio.
  7. o’n i’n moyn dweud rhywbeth arall.
  8. dwi newydd dechrau siarad cymraeg.
  9. ond dwi wedi anghofio rhywbeth arall diddorol dweud.
  10. o’n i’n trio joio siarad gyda ti ond alla ddim cofio sut i dweud rhywbeth arall diddorol eto.
  11. bo’fi eisiau siarad mwy ond dwi ddim yn siwr.
  12. rhaid i fi mwy
    13 hoffen i siarad un cymraeg gyda ti achos ti’n diddorol.

Done it :slight_smile:

Da iawn @glenys-hughes, @anne-33 a @sue-83 :partying_face: :tada: