The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** 💮 (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Done it! First time I started a new language in 40 years, but we’re moving there soon so it seemed like a good idea and I’m enjoying it.

Gwych, da iawn @alison-garnett :partying_face: :star_struck:

Medra i siarad yn y Gymraeg, dim ond tipyn bach ond dwi wedi newydd ddechrau dysgu…
Dwi 'di dysgu sut deud pob un amdanyn nhw a dwi’n synnu at faint dwi di ddysgu mewn amser byr,felly dwi’n mor falch ohonno fy hunan.
Dwi’n gwybod bod mae’r sawl camgymeriad on dwi’n trio…
Diolch am helpu fi dysgu - cariad mawr
Have no idea how to record and post the sentences or how to use the forum( when I get brave enough), looks like I’ve got so much more than cymraeg i ddysgu.
Hwyl am y tro

I can speak Welsh only a little bit but I have just started to learn…
I have learnt how to say every one of them and am surprised at how much I have learnt in a short I’m so proud of myself.
I know there are several mistakes but I’m trying.
Thanks for helping me learn - big love

Da iawn @vicki-neal :star_struck: :muscle: :partying_face:

Helo Caroline, sut wyt ti?
Dwi’n newydd ddechrau dysgu sut i siarad Cymraeg, fel newydd spon.
Dwi newydd darllen dy bost a dwi’n teimlo’n yr un peth ond dwi’n hapus iawn i siarad ar ben fy hun achos pobol yn gwybod bod dwi’n dwli yn barod …
Liciwn siarad efo rhywun rhwben ond dwi’n mor nerfus â’r hyn o bryd. ( I’m not a techno whizz either).
Ga i ofyn i ti sut wyt ti’n teimlo am dy cymraeg rŵan?
Gobeithio ti’n hedfan efo hi erbyn rŵan.
Cariad mawr

Prynhawn da Anne,
Wyt ti’n teimlo’n falch ohono dy hunan rŵan/nawr?
Dylet ti,
Ti 'di wneud yn da iawn.
Dal ati
Pob lwc efo’r dy cymraeg

Done it!

Dw i di gwneud o

Done it. It has taken me most of the weekend to work out how to post this. (The 'How to post was greyed out)

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Da iawn @verity-davey @kieran-13 a @carol-griffin :star_struck: :partying_face: :tada:

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Done it!

Done it!

Da iawn @sonia-davidson a @tracy-sharp-1 :muscle: :heart: :heart:

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Done. :slightly_smiling_face:

Gwych, @andrew-morgan-3 :partying_face: :star_struck:

Done it!

5 minute test, done!:muscle:

Da iawn @kate-edwards-price a @kate-74 :muscle: :muscle: :tada:

Five minute test completed.