SSi Gwyddeleg ar gyfer Siaradwyr Cymraeg

This is for those of you trying out the Irish through the medium of Welsh course! Leave any comments here in English or Welsh :slight_smile:


@RichardBuck :slight_smile:

Diolch! (I’d already noticed, and appreciated, before being atted
) Unfortunately, I’m still stuck on the “Error generating audio, trying again in 10 seconds” message at the moment. I figure it will resolve at some point, but in the meantime everyone’s trying to do everything else all at once, so I’m being patient :slight_smile:


I believe it has just made it to the top of the list this morning :wink: It’s been in the queue so long I needed to add some of our more recent fixes to it, but it’s now been uploaded and the team should be picking it up and deploying it soon


Aand I think it’s live! (didn’t get the memo myself, but based on one of your comments :wink: )

Version 1.1.0 of Irish for Welsh speakers has just gone through the latest checking tools, which should (hopefully) mean no more missing audio errors, no more duplicate issues and no more sync issues.


Argh. This is the first time I have had to stop & just give up. Around about where níos mó is introduced (more/mwy), the Welsh & the Gaelic get out of step, such that the prompt is being given after the answer. Given that they’re basically alternating dw i eisiau and dw i’n trio at that point - and that the Irish for dw i’n trio is the same as the Scots Gaelic for dw i eisiau - it all got hopelessly muddled. Argh.

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Ouch, sorry to hear that! We’ll have a look straight away on Monday

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Hey @RichardBuck - We’ve done some digging and found the issue! Update should be coming shortly and I’ll let you know when I’ve heard that it’s been deployed. Thank you very much for your patience, hopefully this is it now for the major issues :wink: :sweat_smile:


Here’s a new glitch (to me) - I haven’t had much time to play with ye last few days, but picked it up today and did a little Chinese before switching to Gwyddeleg. The written app language for menus, etc, changed to Cymraeg, as expected - and the course title is Gwyddeleg; but the contents remain the Chinese course for English speakers 

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Perfect timing, thank you! They’re are looking into this right now and needed some more data
 I’ll let them know

I’ve found that if I’m getting the “Error generating audio” message and nonetheless persist in trying, it sometimes plays the audio from whatever I was last doing (Italian rather than Chinese, in my case), whilst bravely insisting in the face of all the evidence that it’s actually Irish trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. I don’t think it has happened to me under other circumstances.

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And I think that’s another update - version 1.2.1 of Irish for Welsh speakers should be live, which has fixed the major issue of the course going really out of sync. As usual, let me know how it goes.

Unfortunately this does nothing for the “wrong course playing” issue, but they’re working on that in the background

Next up: Some minor content changes

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Hmmm. I’ve just tried it, and despite force stopping it and restarting I’m still getting the sync issue, although possibly it’s just not live yet.
For example:
Aran: Mae’r Gwyddeleg am ‘te’
Voices: tae
Aran: paned o de (instead of repeating ‘te’)
Screen: te
Voices: tae
Aran: neu de
Screen: paned o de
Voices: cupĂĄn tae
Aran: paned o goffi neu de
Screen: neu de
Voices: no tae etc.

I did a screen recording of a similar snippet, but I’m not sure if I can upload it here - I can put it in the cloud somewhere & link to it if it’s useful, but it might be that I just need to wait to be sure I’m getting the updated version.


Just fyi, I went through a weird non-synchonised period lately, a bit like @RichardBuck in December - perhaps a little after the introduction of níos mó. I had over an hour in which the spoken Welsh and Irish were mostly completely out of sync. The written Welsh matched the Irish, so I carried on using it as the same kind of brain training as when you have to say aloud what colour words are written in, but “blue” is written in red and “red” maybe written in green, etc

I prefer not to have to look at the screen though, so I was glad when I tried again today and things seem back to normal.

It mostly went like this:

  • Aran introduces a word or snippet
  • the female speaker says that same thing in Irish, as expected
  • unexpectedly, Aran use the new thing in a phrase (before having asked me to say the new thing)
  • the written Welsh is just the new thing (as expected) and the spoken and written Irish match this
  • Aran continues to say related things
  • the written Welsh, and spoken and written Irish, continue to ignore Aran (which seems rude 

It wasn’t as simple as Aran being one spoken phrase ahead - it was more as if a somewhat stochastic process had generated this section twice using the same parameters, and Aran’s voice was working from one version, while everything else was following a differently ordered script dealing with the same new and older language elements.

When a new item was next introduced, the same thing happened again, with all tracks matching only for Aran’s first statement of the new item.

This persisted through a couple of 25 minute sessions a week ago, and a couple of shorter dipping-my-toes-back-in since.

As I say, it seems to be resolved now, but we’ll see how we go.

There are also fairly regular uses of un-introduced words, but I just bear with that now and the introduction is usually just around the corner :slight_smile:

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I’ve had the same thing for some time now: written texts (Welsh & Irish) match, the Irish speakers say the correct version of the Welsh text, but more often than not Aran has said something different.


@Kai it sounds like some confusion between the sound files and the text going on here.

Just to say the confusion is intermittently continuing - there will be up to about eight properly synchronised prompts, then back to Aran saying something not related to the written Welsh, which written text is reflected in the spoken and written Irish.

Just for fun, it randomly started teaching me Chinese (through the medium of English) just now (while still saying Fy Nysgu Gwyddeleg at the top of the page) - after a few prompts I force stopped the app. On restart it’s teaching Irish again, but the same desynchronising of the spoken Welsh after the first few prompts 

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Diolch! This sounds vaguely familiar to some strange mixed up phrases that the three of us had during Japanuary when we were struggling with a slower-than-average connection. We didn’t get them this consistently, but every now and then it would get confused and change its mind mid-prompt. I checked the relevant phrases then and they were correct in the files - so this might be a situation for @rich - but I will of course have a look and report back. If you remember more or less where these mix ups happened (or around which phrases) that will help make sure I’m checking the right files! And thank you for reporting!

The course-switch was being investigated last I heard! :slight_smile:

It’s better than it was - a much better ratio of correctly sync’ed to unsync’ed (i.e. where Welsh audio is different to the written Welsh as well as to the spoken and written Irish). Eg tonight: about 3 in-sync, then 3 out of sync; 5 in, then 3 out; 4 in, then 2 out; 7 in, then 2 out; then 3 in-sync. I’m working on phrases such as TĂĄ mĂ© ag iarradh cleachtadh a dhĂ©anadh / foghlaim ar conas Gaeilge ar labhairt; NĂ­ gĂĄ dom a bheith buartha faoi botĂșin a dhĂ©anadh; Ba mhaith liom in ann Gaeilge a labhairt; NĂ­ fĂ©idir liom chuimhneamh 
; cad agus
.; TĂĄ mĂ© ceart go leor ach
; Ba mhaith liom / leat gloine mĂłr uisce le do thoil 
. with a few of the following popping up in combination with various other phrases
 nĂ­os mĂł, go raibh maith agat,

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One other small (unrelated) thing it’s worth mentioning, I think: on my devices (iPhone and i-pad mini) the bottom part of the text (in both the Welsh and the Irish) gets obscured by the play/ rewind/skip band 
.whenever the text is longer - so I can see as far as (e.g.) TĂĄ mĂ© ag iarradh cleachtadh a dhĂ©anadh
’but the rest of the phrase i.e.‘
nĂ­os mĂł Gaeilge a labhairt’ is invisible behind the control panel - so I then have to make an educated guess based on what I’ve done so far.

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