
Does anyone know if there is a Welsh version of Scrabble available for an iPad or a computer?

Unfortunately, there is no Welsh version of Scrabble available on the iPad. I cannot say that I’ve seen a game available for Mac or PC either.

The original board game is available in Welsh, and is great fun! I bought mine from Siop Tŷ Tawe in Swansea, but there are many shops in Wales where you can get one, and I believe there are also online outlets like Amazon who will sell it if you can’t get to a Welsh shop anytime soon.

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Leekes in Crosshands, Carmarthenshire sell the original board-game in Welsh too. I bought one about a month ago,.

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Thank you. I have a Scrabble board. An app for the iPad would be great and then it would be possible to play against the computer and learn a lot more of the unusual words like the English language version. Maybe in the future someone might develop one.

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Not Scrabble, but if you enjoy word games, try this Llanddinol:




There’s a junior version of board scrabble which can be ordered through as well as the adult version. Both are good although the challenge for learners is to create words that are long enough to get a spread across the board. Monopoly is also available in Welsh and for different areas; we have the one for Ynys Môn. Sometimes the learners in Hobart have get togethers to play board games and talk in Welsh - tipyn bach o hwyl a defnyddiol.


Ann, we played it once last summer one SSIW evening. Feindishly difficult!

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Years ago we acquired the Welsh version of the traditional board game.
However, after some time , we realised that neither of us was actively pursuing Welsh, and in a fit of decluttering, decided to advertise it on Freecycle.
(This was long before discovering SSiW).

I was truly astonished by the number of replies I received. (I live in Oxfordshire, by the way, not Wales). I think it was at least 20.

Admittedly some of the replies were from people who wanted it, not for themselves, but for friends whom they knew were learning Welsh, as presents. But still. Just showed a pent-up demand for Welsh here in the English heartland. I suspect an ancestral longing for the pre-Anglo-Saxon, Pre-Viking, pre-Roman Celtic civilisation. :joy:

Just checked, and that’s available from a well known online seller (and I’m sure elsewhere). Quite fancy it myself. Now if they could only do it with Rownd a Rownd insertions.

I wonder if this is complete?

(Shows 4 Welsh versions. Anglesey, Newport, Swansea, Cardiff. )

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There is a scrabble group that meets at central library in Cardiff

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… Yng nghymraeg??

Yes - I haven’t been yet, just waiting until I can actually remember some Cymraeg

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