Radio Cymru am byth! http://bbc.co.uk/radiocymru
Retired ex-IT Nerd. Languages are a hobby.
Known as Montmorency in other forums (fan of J.K.Jerome).
My only real connection with Wales is via my wife, who is also English, but lived in Wales during formative years, and retains a fond affection for it.
Doing SSiW since some time around mid 2013. Completed old C1 & 2 (Gog), and skimmed through 3 without much sticking.
Now trying New Course1 gog, and southerm, as it comes, and at some point will try (old) C3 properly.
Update 9th August 2014
Having finished the (new) Level 1, I’ve started Course 3 in proper earnest now.
Will aim for 1, and not more than 2 lessons per day, and try not go over lessons unless I have real doubt about something, or I get interrupted or similar.
In addition, I’m trying to increase my vocabulary by reading the Nofelau Nawr series of learner books, published by Gomer, which are very good. Plus listening to Radio Cymru and watching Rownd a Rownd and Pobol y Cwm on S4C via Clic, wrth gwrs.
Update: 23 Awst 2014
Last Cwrs 3 gwers completed (shakily): - 9