More (good) press about the Welsh language

I saw this last week from Tahl (Diane Owen) on facebook. It is a rather well-balanced report on the status of the Welsh Language from the US public radio producer PRI. You should be able to both read it and listen to it (there’s actually more in the audio than in the text).


Thanks, Sionned, I really enjoyed reading and listening to this well presented report. I didn’t realise 'til just recently that, Jamie Bevan had learnt Gymraeg as a second language…I guess it’s his father in the Dysgwr o Fflwydden.

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Diolch yn fawr, Sionned (a Tahl) - diddorol iawn.

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Diolch, Sionned, for sharing this. It was very interesting and I enjoyed listening to it. I’ve learned so much about the state of the language in Wales since I joined SSiW.


Brillant! Very clear and balanced report and positive too. Encouraging iawn! :smile:

It’s very interesting to have a non-British perspective on this.