Manchester Welsh Chat/Meetup August

Hope you enjoy the meet up Bob. Hopefully I will get to meet you at a future meet up. I’m in London today. Hwyl :slight_smile:

Meet up in Manchester tomorrow! Same time, same place - 10.30 onwards Manchester Art Gallery Cafe. Look forward to seeing people. Hwyl :smile:

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Gareth and I will be there tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Is anyone planning on staying in the city centre to watch the Wales match?

Look forward to seeing you both again tomorrow Sarah Jane :smile:

I didn’t quite manage to get to last month’s meetup on time. Better luck tomorrow, I hope. Dw i’n gobeithio eich cyfarfod chi pawb yfory :smile:

Hope you make it tomorrow Bob. :slight_smile:

Great to see so many people at the meet up this month. Possibly our record at 9!! Lovely to see some new faces and thanks to Jonathan Simcock for travelling from Derby bringing with him his usual enthusiasm and encouragement!
Here is a link to the Learning Welsh in England Facebook page where Jonathan has put a photo of the group. Thankfully I’m hiding behind Sarah Jane and Gareth!
The next meeting will be Saturday 18th April. I will do reminders nearer the time. I won’t be able to make that one as my husband is insisting we go to Pen Llyn that weekend! :smiley:

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I am new rot this forum and have just completed lesson 6 (1 & 2) and spreading my wings little, albeit cautiously. Great to see this group. I have applied to join and am keen to be kept informed and meet up in Manchester in April. Thanks for all the good work.


Sorry, “new to” not “new rot”!!!

I rather liked ‘new rot’…:wink:

And anyone who throws themselves into meetups at such an early stage in the process will do excellently (as long as you remember not to despair when some of it sounds a bit like a jet engine to begin with!)… :thumbsup:

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Diolch, Aran
This sounds like fun

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Welcome Malcolm. It would be great to see you. There are other members at an early stage in learning and everyone is very friendly. The guy who serves in the cafe even wondered about having a go at SSIW and joining us! Anyway if you survived lesson 6, you will survive anything!!

Sorry I won’t be there to meet you in April but look forward to meeting you at a future meet up.

P.S. the cakes are very nice at the gallery too. I think that’s why the group is expanding…in more ways than one!! :slight_smile:


I am at about the same point as you Malcolm, and would also love to join the Manchester meet ups but I work most Saturdays unfortunately. I found lesson 6 (1&2) challenging to say the least! Aran suggested I crack on though, so Ive just finished 8 and feeling happier!


Thanks Ruth
This is the sort of encouragement from which, I suspect, most of us will benefit; it is the small, almost unexpected inputs that give you a lift, knowing that others probably have similar issues to resolve. I appreciate that.
I have also begun to attend meetings of the Manchester Welsh Society, meeting at the Welsh Presbyterian church in Oaker Road, Didsbury. Whilst I do not have a strong religious need, there is a warm welcome from some enthusiastic Welsh-learners that I enjoy and they deal with grammatical issues that the phonetic approach negotiates with more subtlety.
All part of life’s rich pattern.
I hope we get to speak at one of the gets-together at some stage and thanks again for your encouragement.


Thanks Malcolm, it’s really great to have contact with somebody at a similar point. What time/days do they meet in Didsbury?

They meet most Thursdays from 1000-1200hrs. Lillian Garrett leads the group supported by her husband, John. The group is quite small, probably only 8 or so regular members but they do welcome newcomers and are very hospitable and encouraging and Lillian goes to a lot of trouble to print guidance sheets. I was concerned that I might struggle but even when I do we have a chuckle and move on. Most refreshing.

My brother, Derrick, is also learning Welsh with the SSIW App (he is following the South Wales version whereas I am studying the North Welsh but it is all meant to be compatible for the most part) and he will join the group soon.


Thanks for the info Malcolm. Don’t think I could make that at present but will keep it in mind.

You’re welcome, Ruth

If things change, you swill be most welcome. We both may get to a coffee get together with the group.

Take care



Just a reminder that the next Manchester SSIW Meet Up is Saturday 18th April 2015, 10.30 onwards at the Art Gallery Cafe. I can’t be at this one as I will be in Pen Llyn, hopefully practising my Welsh. Hope it goes well!

Hwyl :smile:

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Gobeithio dod i’r cyfarfod yfory ac edrych ymlaen i weld y rai ohonoch chi sy’n medru dod i’r caffi yn yr Oriel Celf Manceinion y mis hyn.

Hoping to come to the meet up tomorrow and looking forward to seeing those of you who are able to come to the cafe in the Manchester Art Gallery this month.