Llon-dain - The Touring London Meet Up

Hello @peterallen, I wanted to let you know that I am now responsible for writing the weekly email. I took over from Deborah last summer and I’m happy to keep sharing updates regarding your meet-ups. :slight_smile: Just so that you know to tag me instead of Deborah, to ensure your updates always appear on time for me, and I don’t miss any of them. Diolch! :slight_smile:

Will do, thanks Catrin.

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Hi I’m Katy, and I would very much like to join you for your Waterloo walk.

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Brilliant, look forward to seeing you at Waterloo. Hwyl, Peter

Bydda yn ceisio ymuno â chi eto ddydd Sul. Roedd yn hwyl y tro diwetha!

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Lovely walk in London starting by the graffiti tunnel in Waterloo, a stroll along the Thames, up past St Pauls, across to the Barbican and back over the bridge for a pint. Lovely to have seen everyone and hope others can join us next time. Hwyl, Peter

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The next Llon-dain walk will be on the 9th June at 2.00pm so one to put in your diary. We are intending to return to South London with the current plan to start at Honor Oak Park Station which is on the Overground (Zone 3) and connects to Croydon in the south and Highbury and Islington in the north (with a direct connection with the Elizabeth Line). More details to come nearer the day. Hwyl, Peter @CatrinLliarJones

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"Apologies to all who’ve requested to have news and announcements put in the weekly email, because our email system is still down unfortunately.

We’re working as hard as we can to get it up and running again, and as soon as it is we’ll let you know.

Diolch to you all for your patience."

S’mae pawb, I have just realised that our first Llon-dain walk was in May 2019 so our next one on the 9th June will be just over five years since the first one so, without planning it, it makes sense to return to South London where we first started. Anyway, the reason for the post is a reminder that we will be meeting outside Honor Oak Park Station in the sunshine at 2.00pm on the 9th June. Our walks take two to three hours with some of us having a drink in a local pub at the end. Hope to see the usual and the new. Hwyl, Peter @CatrinLliarJones

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Looking forward to it!

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Sunday’s Llon-dain went well with a walk from Honor Oak through a wood, into a cemetery, up a lane called Donkey Alley, through Peckham Rye Park and into the Nun’s Head at the end. Another walk to be organised soon.


S’mae Pawb,

The next Llon-dain walk will be on Sunday the 18th August at 2.00pm. We haven’t a route yet but will provide details nearer the date. Our walks are up to five miles long and generally end in a pub for a quick drink.

One for your diary and looking forward to welcoming learners of any standard.



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