Hello. I’m Cat, and I’ve been lurking here for a little while, because forum life doesn’t make me feel at all brave! However, I’ve come to realise that you are all really helpful and friendly, so I thought I might jump in and introduce myself. I’ve been learning Welsh for a while, although not very actively for the last few years, until I discovered SSIW. My brain has exploded in the most amazing way!!! It’s a fantastic course and I can’t thank it’s creators enough. I can feel my brain struggling (and before, that kind of meant I was failing) but now I see that it’s a part of learning, not failing! And before I even know it there is actual Welsh in my head!! Amazingly, it feels at home there. I can’t quite believe it…
Anyway, I’m very happy to be here!
Shmae Cat, a croeso i’r fforwm.
Croeso, @cat-1 I’m sure you’ll find speaking a lot easier with SSiW. Reading must come later. Look at FAQ and the Really helpful topic, or Tiny questions… or click on the big Q and enter something to search for! Lwc dda!
A very warm welcome to the forum, Cat… And well done for taking the plunge!
I’m saying this pretty much on loop to the four brave learners on the 5 day intensive we’re running at the moment…
Welcome Cat! I think that you will find the forum a very safe and friendly place to ask questions and share your experiences. You will also discover that many others are having the same questions and experiences along the way!
Croeso!! It’s great to hear you’ve taken the plunge! Good to have you here
Warm welcome to the forum @cat-1 from me too. I’m glad you’re doing well and learning is a wholw new - better - experience with SSiW.
Haia Cat! Croeso!
Diolch to everyone! Only wish I had found this lovely place sooner!
I’ll add my “Croeso” here (and croeso from Cat, my wife as well!).
And it’s great that you recognise that “the struggle” is what learning is about. It’s so easy to only see the bits that are hard to learn, and forget about the stuff that you’ve learnt easily, or more importantly, the stuff that you struggled to learn, but now it’s there and learnt and being used. It sounds like you’ve got the exact attitude that you need to get this learning Welsh thing done.
Da iawn ti!
Well @Iestyn, it must be your voice, and Cat’s I now know so well! Thank you for your welcome! Today, was such a good Welsh day - I managed to congratulate my landlord on becoming a Grandad AND in Welsh told him he didn’t look old enough!! HA! How amused am I? Ok, so he doesn’t speak Welsh, but hey, if he had we would both have been rather impressed (instead of just me impressing myself!).
Yikes. I’ve just realised I can’t do the clever tagging thingy you can all do.
to tag someone, put an @ before the screen name - you’ll soon get the hang of it
yup, that’s the way
@cat-1, if you want to add emojis like click on the ‘:’ colon sign and a few will pop up. You can get more by starting to type, say, imp for that
@henddraig! This is a whole new world! I thought the way the Welsh was flowing was pretty good - now I’ve learnt something else too!
Shwmae Cat!
Just wanted to also say Croeso i’r fforwm! I see you have done pretty much what many of us did by hovering the forum until after a few lessons (I did the same!). This is a very helpful forum though, and an answer to any question is usually answered in no time at all here.
I hope you continue to enjoy your Welsh language journey. Pob lwc!
I love this:
![quote=“cat-1, post:11, topic:8185”]
I managed to congratulate my landlord on becoming a Grandad AND in Welsh told him he didn’t look old enough!! HA! How amused am I? Ok, so he doesn’t speak Welsh,…
That is exactly how to practise your Welsh if you can’t find Welsh speakers to practise with. Da iawn!
Thank you Gav