Hi Gillian,
I also somehow wasn’t set up for notifications, so apologies too for this late reply. With only three of us (so far) it’s just a matter of agreeing a date and place. Friday through Sunday is best for me but I don’t have many commitments at the moment so any day’s fine really - maybe Saturday 17th March?
Cofion gorau
Hello Peter,
Thank you for your reply. I can’t make the Saturday 18th, but Friday 17th March is free. Emma I believe prefers a weekend so another possible date could be 1st April?
Cofion gorau
Hi Gillian
I’ll let you agree something with Emma this time, and guarantee to be there whatever you decide!
Best regards
Hi Peter,
I’ll be in touch when I hear from @emma-powell
However the earlier dates I did suggest will be difficult now, as our cat has just undergone bilateral corneal grafts. This requires me to be on hand to medicate several times a day.
Hopefully we will get to meet and practice soonish!
Cofion gorau
Hi both!
I’m not around the next couple of weeks, I have my Mam coming down for Mother’s Day weekend and will be out and about, then I am on Easter break, and will also be out and about.
I was in Rome last week for the rugby - at last a win and it was a brilliant weekend - and the weather was boiling! It was a shock to land back at Gatwick on Monday evening!
Hi Emma
Dw i wedi gweld eich neges chi dim ond nawr, felly mae ddrwg gyda fi am yr ateb hwyr, llongefarchiadau am teithio am Roma i gweld y gêm, dw i’n hapus bod ffeindiodd tîm Cymru ennill am chi! gobeithio bo’ dych chi’n cael amser da dros Pasg, cofion gorau, Pete