Going GREEN - week 19 'QUESTION' recording **Red to Green badge** ❇ (Awarded Mondays)

Dyma fy cwestion i (Is that right? Here is my question) https://ssi-cyhoeddus.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/recording/2392/6min_19_question.mp3

Llongyfarchiadau @carolyn-baillargeon, @rosalind-short, @chelsea-5, @RobF a @laura-61! :green_heart::partying_face::partying_face:

@rosalind-short - Haia! Do you have your red badge recording somewhere? :slight_smile: If you post it in the red badge thread and let me know here as well, I can give you both your red and green badges! :grin::star2:

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Question from @glynnhughes2002

It would be somewhere on my computer system, I think…?? Well, perhaps. (I did it many months ago, then had a long break from the SSiW tasks.)Would it be possible for you to post me the original request, please (from whichever week it was), then I will see if I can find it. If I can’t, then I will create some new sentences when I get around to it. Diolch

The original task was in week 18, so to see that email again, just log into www.SaySomethingin.com/welsh/6min and there you’ll see a View Previous link. That allows you to look back at previous emails online and also to re-send them to yourself.

I’m not sure why your recording is so crackly @peg-thomas
Do you want to have another go at recording it? It’s hard to tell what your question is.

Have we missed awarding your pink and red badges? Those are the tasks previous to this recording a question one. The pink one is for posting “Done it” when you’ve been able to say your sentences in under 5 minutes, and the red one is for posting a recording of them.

@malcolm-ellis a bit quiet for some reason, but clearly pronounced. Da iawn ti!

@gill-fickling have you been able to post the recording of your sentences for your red badge?

Yes, I did.

Was it a while ago @gill-fickling? I’ve looked back to the beginning of April in The ‘5 Min’ Test- week 18 ‘SENTENCES’ recording Pink to Red badge :red_circle: to see where you missed out on your Red Badge, but I can’t find the recording there.

Good thank you

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Llongyfarchiadau @rosalind-short! I’ve just scrolled back up and seen you’re sporting a red badge now, so your question has earned you a green one :clap:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Going BLUE- week 21 ‘ANSWER’ recording Green to Blue badge :large_blue_circle: (Awarded Mondays)

Da iawn @anne-l-p! You’ve moved very swiftly on to your blue badge, so here’s a couple of green icons to acknowledge your Question: :green_heart::frog:

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