Da iawn @mike-wheeler, see you in the blue thread next!
My question:
Fy cwestiwn i/my question:
Mae fe’n dawel iawn eto! It is very quiet again!
Great job on your recordings @whereistherent, @evan-pryer a @luis-dawber!
@luis-dawber - do you have your red badge recording somewhere? If you post it and let me know in this thread I can give you both your red and green badges!
I’m not sure if I have my red badge or not. I didn’t even realise there was a forum until I saw in the task list last week about posting the recording to it . So, probably not. How do I get my red badge?
The badges are explained here Pink, red, green, blue and beyond... what do they mean?
The task for getting your pink badge was in the week 6 email (you need pink before you can go red!) and the task for getting the red badge was in the week 18 email.
Thanks @siaronjames. I think that I tried posting into the Slack channel and couldn’t get it to work (clearly because I was meant to be posting in here ). Is there a way I can get my pink and red badge now or has that ship week and truly sailed?
Yes, @luis-dawber, you can still get the pink and red - just post the things the tasks ask you post in the relevant threads:
pink - The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** 💮 (Badges Awarded Mondays)
red - The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** 🔴 (Awarded Mondays)
If you need to find the week 6 and week 18 emails again, just log into www.SaySomethingin.com/welsh/6min and there you’ll see a View Previous link. That allows you to look back at previous emails online and also to re-send them to yourself.