Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2024 - Pontypridd

Sounds like me at the book fair in Torino! :joy:

Wow, even 9! :open_mouth:
That’s good. Well, not too sure how many of the artists will suit my taste, especially in the main area
 (plannin to see Meinir Gwilym at the moment - probably not Eden :grin: ) but maybe some of the Maes B bands will play in the Festival too

I think over the week we played Maes B, Cymdeithas Yr iaith, a piece for an S4C programme, different stages/stalls on the Maes on various days and local pub gigs too. It was a hell of a week! But the average for the different bands I played with was probably closer to 3 or 4 gigs, and that one eisteddfod was an exception (thank goodness!)


Here we go - the Cymdeithas yr Iaith gigs -

and some more general info about them -

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Oes cynlluniau i gwrdd ar y maes eleni? Mwynheais i fe y llynedd, oedd yn dda rhoi enwau i wynebau. Af i i’r Eisteddfod nos Sul (i weld Yws Gwynedd!) ac wedyn holl ddydd Llun

Are there plans to meet on the field this year? I enjoyed it last year, it was good to put names to faces. I’m going to the Eisteddfod on Sunday night (to see Yws Gwynedd!) and then all Monday

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For those of you interested in the Dysgwr y Flwyddyn competition, the final four will be speaking in Maes D (the learners pavilion) at 12:00 on Wednesday 7 August, and the Winner’s Ceremony will take place afterwards at 14:10 in the main Pavilion.

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I hope no one minds me giving a little plug here

I’m going to be leading a session in Maes D on Thursday 8 September at 2:30, where I’ll be talking to the very lovely Aleighcia Scott about her Welsh learning journey, and also to the equally lovely Mali Ann Rees (who supported Aleighcia on Iaith ar Daith). I am always nervous about speaking Welsh in public, and doubly so at the Eisteddfod. So it would be lovely to see some supportive SSiW folk there if anyone’s planning to be on the Maes that day :slight_smile:


Hi all - if any other SSIW’ers are looking to meet up and swap parsnip stories, I’m stewarding Wednesday (Maes D), Thursday and Friday - and also I’ll be around on the first Saturday afternoon. It’d be great to meet up if anyone’s around those days.


Sometimes previous years we’ve done a recurring general “if anyone happens to be outside Maes D / X o’clock” type gathering so people there on different days or unpredictable shcedule can catch up.

Ikve there on and off all week. And Maes D has the cheapest coffee :slight_smile:


If there are any other sad coffee snobs out there apart from me (!) I found last year that the best quality/cost trade-off was on the Panad o GĂȘ stand (with the additional trade-off of being able to browse books while waiting). I don’t know if they’re bringing the cafe set-up again this year, but I’ll be heading straight there to find out.

But I don’t want to detract anyone from Maes D, which has such a lovely set-up and great activities planned :slight_smile:


Hi Phil,
I will be there on the first Saturday and heading for Maes D.
May see you there?

I’ll be there on and off from about 12 - it’s quite a good day in Maes D looking at the programme - so yes, that’d be great.


If you’re going to the Eisteddfod at all, please consider visiting some of the local Pontypridd businesses and maybe buying your meals there?

They are reporting it’s much quieter than usual and they are losing business, which is NOT the effect that holding an Eisteddfod is supposed to have. One local food business has had to throw away loads of food!

Let’s support local businesses and show that Welsh speakers care!


I’m absolutely gutted that I can’t be there for the next few days at least, because I’ve just tested positive for Covid :frowning: I was there on Saturday and the town was looking lovely, and I was so looking forward to going out and investigating (couldn’t on Saturday as I was with my elderly mother who isn’t very mobile).

Please support the local businesses, and use a bit of Welsh as you do!

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Really sorry to hear that, Sara! Take care and I hope you’ll be able to go along as soon as possible.

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Went on Sunday afternoon, and during the day on Monday - blown away. It was brilliant, llawer o gyfleoedd i ymarfer Cymraeg! Pontypridd itself looking bustling too - you can come and go from the Eisteddfod if you want to visit the town (they stamp your arm so you can get back in easily).


Having recced the first half of the week I can recommend so far 

Crymru Chippy, on the street directly opposite the non-main entrance. Very good chips cheapest option

Cortile Coffee also directly opposite secondary entrance open late

Rhi’s Cafe further into town also cafe style food also open into early evening.

Cafe Cwtch near library a d main entrance, huge breakfasts, part of the YMa complex.

Istanbal kebab - pizza quarter the price of the maes!

Zucco. Posher pizza with nice outdoor seating and often live music. Same street as chippy.

Storyville books. Also that street. Good Welsh language selection if you’re not already bookshopped out on the Maes!

Everywhere in the indoor market especially the welshcake stand. Also Real Toilets.

Akslo "Purple Shoots efo allai have a stand - coop local crafters to sell their wares. Lovely things


Sh’mae pawb! Anyone going on Saturday 10th?
I am and even though im from ponty, none of my friends or family are available to come with me!
Would love to meet anyone from here and maybe ymarfer siarad cymraeg gyda rhywun!

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I’ll be there for part of the day and I’m sure there’ll be a few others as well

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I went on Sunday and Monday, great atmosphere and, as one who lives the wrong side of the Severn, just lovely to be immersed in Welsh language and culture. Highlights were Yws Gwynedd, Gareth Bowen Rhys -and bumping into Elin Fflur on a deserted street! So I got to tell her how much I loved ‘Sgwrs dan y Lloer’!
I also liked Mereid Hopwood’s description, not of ‘dysgwyr’, but ‘siaradwyr newydd’; I think that’s how I’ll describe myself from now on ;-).


Not relevant to Ponty 2024, I’m sure, but does anyone know a poem by Les Barker about leaving the Eisteddfod and trying to find his car in the car park? I saw a video of him performing it a few years ago - very funny and some clever word play in Cymraeg - but I can’t find it anywhere now.