Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2024 - Pontypridd

@mike-greener Is it this one? https://youtu.be/G_4iiUVE1_4?si=xNs6-ujvg7F4cRWS


Thatā€™s the one - diolch yn fawr iawn!

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Oh my - thatā€™s wonderful!! Thank you @Deborah-SSi and @mike-greener

And, that being the way of YouTube, it led me to another one which people here might appreciate, about mutations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNUP_rxxS-E


Oh, those are superb! :joy: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: Thanks for sharing them.

Just out of curiosity, I had a peep at the auto-generated English transcript for the car park one - and itā€™s absolutely awful! :grimacing: :scream:

We have the same problem if anyone shares a video in Slack, and thereā€™s no way to turn off the auto-generation of the transcript. I raised it with the Slack people who seemed perplexed at the idea that people would be uploading videos in anything but English. It didnā€™t seemed to have crossed their minds :roll_eyes:


Hi - We were there on Wednesday and had a great time - it was my 4th Eisteddfod. Unfortunately we were not able to see the Learner Choir competition that was on Thursday. I watched it on S4C - does anyone know how to contact Cantorion y Gelli? They were super!

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That sounds about standard. After all, everyone speaks and understands English! And if they pretend not to - in some exotic place where the locals like to be awkward - you just shout louder, right?
It has worked this way since the earliest days of the empire, so why change now? :rofl:

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Although I was amused, whilst stewarding, to be addressed by one Important Person saying loudly and slowly ā€˜DO YOU SPEAK WELSH?ā€ In English. From a distance of about 12 inches.

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@phil-23 Good Grief! :rofl: :joy:

Iā€™m elderly, pretty deaf and live far away in England, but visiting the 'Steddfod and reconnecting with the Rhondda area where I was born (we sadly moved away when I was just a 4-year old nipper) was one of my personal milestone targets when I started to teach myself Welsh just over 18 months ago (with the brilliant help of SSIW. - Diolch!). I was able to have several little conversations in Welsh with other Eisteddfodwyr (mainly, coincidentally, Gogs) who were ALL incredibly friendly, encouraging and forgiving of my mistakes. I even plucked up the courage to have a chat afterwards with Sion Tomos Owen who was reading excerpts from his brilliant latest book for dysgwyr (lefel sylvaen). I can thoroughly recommend his funny ā€˜Y Fawr aā€™r Fach: Straeon oā€™r Rhonddaā€™. Another highlight: I happened to bump into the winner of the chair walking around the maes on one of the stands and, before I could help myself, seized the moment to wish him ā€˜Llongyfarchiadauā€™ after having fluently blurted out ā€˜Alla i ddim siarad Cymraeg yn anffodusā€™ (my usual opening gambit when daring to start a little conversation with a complete stranger). Being a Tylorstown boy, I obviously enjoyed the candlelight concert given by Cor Meibion Pendyrus, but it was really the opportunity to have informal chats in Welsh with other people in such a welcoming and tolerant environment that made my visit a very emotional, important and inspiring experience for me. My first-ever conversations in Wales in Welsh with other people. Iā€™m still buzzing. Iā€™ve returned home more determined than ever to make more progress. Iā€™m so very proud of the success of the Party in Ponty and now have my sights set on Wrexham. Iā€™ve got a year to get my Welsh up to another level.


Llongyfarchadiau mawr i ti @jason-art! I feel really quite emotional reading that, and itā€™s definitely what the Eisteddfod is all about to me - everyone having the chance to use their Welsh, no matter how much or how little, just grabbing the chance and going with it! Tiā€™n seren! :star2: