"Byw Celwydd" - Series 2 (Jan 2017 onwards) Discussion Thread - Warning - will contain Spoilers!
Wel, dyma ni, this is an actual discussion thread for Series 2 of Byw Celwydd, which started on S4C in the UK on 8th January 2017.
I thought about having separate threads for each episode, in order to make it easier to insulate people from spoilers more easily, but I’ve been persuaded, after thinking about it, that that is not really practicable, and is probably not necessary.
So here are the suggested ground-rules:
We can discuss here, any episode of Series 2 that has already been broadcast on S4C and has been available via Clic (bearing in mind that they disappear from Clic, usually after about a month). We are pleased to discover that it’s available internationally. I will post links to the episodes on Clic, as they appear. I’m not 100% sure if those links work from abroad, or if you have to go separately via the International S4C site.
We will discuss any aspect of the series or episodes, whatever people like, including the fictional politics, and perhaps the real politics of Wales, and how they relate. Of course, politics can be a “hot button” subject, and we must be even more careful than useful to be polite and respectful of other people and other people’s views, even if we don’t agree with them. Thanks in advance for your co-operation here.
Originally, I was going to strongly suggest not mentioning references to series 1 here at all, so that people might have the option of watching series 1 later (if that’s possible) without explicit spoilers. However, I don’t think that’s realistic. References are bound to creep in. Nevertheless, if anyone wants to do heavyweight discussion of series 1, then may I please ask them to use the series 1 thread, here:
At the time of writing, there are 2 episodes available on Clic:
Episode 1, 8th January 2017
Episode 2, 15th January 2017
I will post a bit more, later in the evening, but feel free to post here now. I look forward to your contributions!
Just one more reminder: If you have not seen the most recent episodes of Byw Celwydd, and do not want to find out what happens in them before you have seen them yourself, then I would suggest you stop reading after this paragraph. This thread will contain spoilers, and if you don’t want to read them, then it is your responsibility not to. I hope that’s as clear as it needs to be.