Aussie Skype chat - while I'm away?

No worries Amy. I figured as much.

Apologies to everyone for being so slow on this. At the moment, I am trying to decide whether to resurrect the group or let it go. If it had thrived while I was away I would have happily jumped back on board but, to be honest, the fact no one bothered, suggests to me the needs is not there. For me it requires monthly email reminders as well as committing to being home. Considering, some months I was the only person available to chat made this a little discouraging. One of the things I realised during my time In Wales was that I had been spreading myself too thin. I am therefore not keen to rush back in. If anyone else wants to do the admin, I would of course aim to attend most months.


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I am keen to take any opportunity to practice my welsh with real people as I get very little chance to do so and my 1 1/2 year old doesnā€™t talk back (though he now understands a lot). As I mentioned before I work away generally every second week and the internet where I work is pretty poor so at this time I donā€™t think I would make a very good administrator (though may be keen to try if no one else does). I think speaking welsh regularly to others would be an excellent way to improve rapidly and keep the enthusiasm going.

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The admin isnā€™t onerous. It involves keeping a list of possible attendees, setting dates (you could work these around your own schedule), sending out reminders to all interested parties. You can either do this on the forum, through personal emails, or both, and then making the call at the scheduled time and date.

I am bowing out of the admin duties for the time being. :slight_smile:

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I would be willing to help out with admin. I am leaving for Wales in July for 9 weeks, so Leighton if you would be able to manage till September I can can take up the reigns when I get back if you want. I am also keen to practise.

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Wonderful! Thanks guys. If you start the ball rolling I will happily join you for a chat whenever possible. Iā€™m also keen to practice my Welsh.

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Elizabeth, please help me to get started. Iā€™ll need email addresses to try to organise a day and time suitable for everyone. Iā€™ll kick it off until July and maybe Leighton can manage until September and then Iā€™ll pick up when I get home. I donā€™t want to commit to it while Iā€™m away in case I canā€™t keep up with it. I have to admit that I have no idea how to set up a group Skype so any advice will be appreciated. It would be nice to have a meet up in June. Thanks.

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Wednesday night are out for me but all others are ok, after 7pm Eastern time
Allan Bailey

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Sorry i am out bush at the moment with real poor internet, i will be back next Tuesday night. I will be happy to help with the admin though if people donā€™t mind me being difficult to contact every second week, however the up side is i donā€™t usually work at all on the weeks when i am off so will be easy contact then.

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Leighton Iā€™m going to take a stab and elect the third week in the month for the chat. That will give everyone time to think and organise themselves for June. Iā€™m going to pick Thursday night at 8 pm because a couple of people have said Wednesday or Tuesdays are no good. I thought we should stay away from Friday as some people may like to go out or leave for weekends away on Fiday nights. That leaves Monday as an alternative. The weekends will probably not work. If anyone would like to comment on this it would be helpful. I chose 8 pm as a personal preference but 8.30 was previously suggested so preferences would be welcome. I personally wouldnā€™t like later than 8.30 as my brain starts to go to sleep then. My email address is so could everyone interested please email me with their email and Skype details. Now, Iā€™m going to need help with setting up the Skype as I donā€™t know how to do it for a group so Iā€™d be grateful if someone could tell me how to do it, or do it for me. Thanks. Iā€™ve been wanting to do this for months but family circumstances have prevented me so Iā€™m looking forward to it. Iā€™ll be in the air for the July chat, on my way to Tresaith but hopefully Iā€™ll be able to join in with the August chat and Iā€™ll be back for September. PS I just noticed that Thursday may not work for Amy. So this leaves Monday. No one has ruled Monday out so back to everyone for comments etc.

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Mondays are good for me, and Thursdays, too

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Mondayā€™s and Thursdayā€™s work for me too. I am happy to chat about Skype. I have include everyone who normally participates in this thread. The only one I havenā€™t heard from is @jeanevans . Have you seen her lately @guynicholson

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Jean is active in our Welsh class and conversation group but may not have been on the forum lately. I know that she had a couple of sessions with Allan while you were away Liz. I will see her next Tuesday at the conversation group and will remind her. Thursdays were OK for her previously.

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Hi lynne if that is the 23rd june i should be home and would love to participate i will send you my skype details when i return home next Tuesday

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Well I can see Iā€™m going to be absolutely brilliant at this organising thing! Iā€™ve already gone and answered your posts which came through to my emails, n spite of the fact that they say ā€˜no replyā€™ and are actually on this page. Iā€™m not feeling great at the moment (heavy cold) so Iā€™ll blame that. Can I have a day or two to get back to this and get my head around it. Thanks.

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I do that every time. It is because the thing comes into your email inbox. It is automatic to press reply. Brysiau wella!

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Elizabeth, I am feeling better now so Iā€™m ready to go with it. Do you have topics or just have a general chat about anything?

Hello to everyone who would like to join the Aussie Skype group. We will meet on Thursday 23 June at 8 pm. I have some email addresses and will be in touch via email. If you havenā€™t sent yours to me please do so. My email is

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Sounds great, assuming my plane doesnā€™t get in late that evening I am in! contact details coming.

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Hello everyone, Iā€™m sending out emails to all I have this weekend with everything I know. Weā€™ve agreed on June 23rd at 8pm EST. my 10 year old grandson is gong to teach me how to set up a group Skype!!! Donā€™t forget to email your email addresses and Skype addresses, or put them up here f you prefer.
Diolch pawb a dyma ni!

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Hello Guy, are you planning to join the Skype group? If so, could you send me your email address and Skype address and I will get back to you. Thanks, Lynne.