Aussie Skype chat - while I'm away?

Regular Aussie Skype chatters may have noticed that I completely forgot our catch up last week. I don’t know how… Actually, I do know. With only three weeks until I leave for a five month stint in Wales life has become impossibly busy.

So, here are my questions:
Do you want to keep meeting while I’m away?
If so, is anyone prepared to send the email and make the call?
Or do you want to take a break for five months?

Let me know…


Hi Liz,
We spoke yesterday but I don’t think I specifically answered that question. If you can find the time and if you can find a good signal then it would be nice to talk and learn how things are going with you in Wales. But I can quite understand that time may be difficult especially considering the time zone problem
Allan Bailey.

Hi Allan,

It was great to catch up. I’d like to pop in and chat to the Aussie SSiW group while in Wales but, at this stage, I’m looking for a leave pass from coordinating. The task isn’t onerous. Mostly fielding questions from enquirers, sending the monthly reminder and making the call. But my life is full of small commitments that are not onerous. I see this five months in Wales as a chance to set aside those that are non essential and to focus on my writing and language learning.

I think if the group is worthwhile, it will continue without me. Otherwise…I’ll pick it up when I get back. :smile:

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Helo @elizabeth_j_corbett_ @allanbailey

Do we have a volunteer to act as the contact person for this group while Liz is away? I just need a name to put in the weekly email contact list.

Diolch yn fawr,

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Hi Dee,
You may use me as the contact name unless a more worthy volunteer emerges!
Allan Bailey


Diolch yn fawr Allan! :star2:

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Yes, diolch Allan. Keep me on the contact list. I may try to drop in one night. :slight_smile:

Nawr fy mod i wedi rhoi fy ngwrdd allan dw i’n moyn i wybod pwy sy’n hala yr ebost i
bawb - fi neu chi?

Ar hyn o bryd dw i ddim yn nabod unrhywun yn dda a dw i’n anghofio pa dydd yn y mis
cwrddwn ni!

Dyma beth mae’n dweud yn yr ebost wythnosol Allan -

Virtual Meetup Australia - using Skype, first Thursday of the month, 8:30pm
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) (Contact allanbailey through the
forum for more information)

Diolch yn fawr iawn

Hefyd, wna i anfon dy gyfeiriad ebost i pawb. Ydy hynny yn iawn?
Also, I will send your email address to everyone. Is that okay.

Fel arfer, dw i dRio anfon ebost atgoffa i bobl
Usually, I try to send a reminder email to people

Can you send me a private message with your email address?

I wasn’t too sure if I managed to send the private message OK. Can you let me know if you received it OK?

No, I didn’t. It’s tricky, isn’t it? :frowning:

If you need some instructions, they are here for you all.

Clicking on the right errow at the right side of the quote will carry you to the related topic post.

Happy PMing


We did have a Skype meetup on the third Thursday. Apart from myself there were two participants, Jean from Hobart and Caroline from Adelaide,
There is an explanation of how to use the private message function from Tatjana

I am fine when I can see an icon. It’s finding a person by name without an icon that isn’t always clear.

Some on this here

(the same rules, clicking on the errow besides quote will take you to the original post).

Diolch Tatiana. I would put some effort into it. :smile:

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I’m in Brisbane and am learning southern Welsh. I’d like to join the group for the chats. How do I do that. Thanks. Lynne