Zoom sessions decline

I feel more and more lately that there’s less and less of a focus on Cymraeg and the long term learner’s. This seems to coincide with the introduction of vast amount of new language materials. There has always been two tutors or otherwise someone was drafted in to cover. Not so the case anymore. Now we find ourselves with one and less sessions to facilitate people who hsve been loyal over many years. The zoom sessions were the creme de la creme , the jewel in the SSIW crown. Thats slowly but surely leaving the stage. With little to no fanfare or explanation. We still have the amazingly hard working Deborah…but unfortunately losing Kai.
I feel this direction will be a huge loss for SSIW. As there was and is a Welsh speaking community who attended these sessions religiously. Myself included. And i will continue to do so. So to finish i feel the current SSIW or SSI is a watered down version of the one i joined and loved. This is Not a criticism, moreso my overview of how I see is headed


Smae pawb
I find myself disappointed 6 days after originally posting. A quick glance showing that almost 99% of posts are answered, addressed in some way. This post has 5 likes so im not alone in my opinion. This post im certain has been read as im sure all are, but as always silence speaks louder than words. So i have voiced my opinion in im hoping a constructive criticism type of structure, well thats my intention, and now seconded it. So ill leave it now to those who read this to respond or ignore in their own manner.

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Hi Alan - sorry, I didn’t see your earlier post (I don’t think Deborah did, either) or I would have answered before now.

The main thing going on here at the moment is that Kai is under a huge amount of pressure with the new courses - generating them, but also working to improve and fine tune them as well - and I’m concerned to make sure that he’s not stretched too thin. As you know, though, we haven’t reduced the sessions - Deborah is catching them - and I’m sure Kai will be available to help try and arrange cover when necessary.

The broader picture is that the work Kai is doing (with Tom) is central to our opportunity to grow as a company. Some examples: the new Japanese course that Kai is building is likely to have a significant impact on a possible partnership with a Japanese company that would allow us to produce better apps much faster, as well as on a possible pilot for our English course in Japanese schools. The Irish course that Kai is working on increases the possibility of partnerships in Ireland leading to co-promotion and school trials.

At the moment, we break even as a company (just about) - so the only way in which we’re going to be able to put more resources into supporting Welsh learners (which has always been and will always remain our main goal) is by growing.

If we can get even a foothold in teaching English, for example, we’ll be able to employ more Welsh tutors, and promote learning Welsh much more than we can manage at the moment. :slight_smile:


My mother says she deserves commission from you (and so do I) but I guess if money’s tight we’ll forego it. :wink: We tell everyone about Say Something. So sales should keep climbing.
My mum has just a minute ago been chatting on Facebook with someone, and mentioned how great the app is. She’s started learning Italian and French, I’ve been learning Welsh about a year and can (pretty much) follow Pobol y Cwm without subtitles, and…
Basically any time someone hints at taking a foreign holiday or having a passing interest in learning other languages, or thinks language learning is hard, we’re right there with a “Well, have you heard of Say Something?”


Thanks for the reply Aran. Unfortunately i have to disagree regarding the zoom sessions. Rightly or wrongly i think there was 6 and now 5!!
As i regularly attended and still do at 1pm on a Thursday and have friends who regularly attended at 7pm. Thats not the case now. As it seems to have amalgamated.
Either way thanks for your lengthy reply and explanation. Its obviously not easy with so many irons/languages in the fire. Im only relating my thoughts. Im still more than happy with the service as i can sometimes attend 3 sessions a week. Which keeps my Cymraeg flowing. And its still fantastic value for money.

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Please tell your mother I think she’s fabulous! [Sorry, I think you’re both fabulous :wink:]

I have actually wondered about setting up some sort of commission structure, but I’m not sure if it would end up making it feel a bit less authentic, a bit more forced. Dunno.

I don’t think that’s the case - it’s certainly not what we’ve discussed! - but there may have been some changes to the timing of sessions because of what Deborah can do - @Deborah-SSi will be able to confirm :slight_smile:

Yeah, unfortunately this is kind of the key underlying issue - providing multiple zoom sessions for £10 a month really doesn’t end up working in terms of being able to keep staff employed! Which is why we can’t make it part of the package for other languages, we’d just drown. But we’re going to maintain it - and hopefully in due course increase it - for Welsh, because Welsh is and will always remain our special case :slight_smile: :heart:


For the moment, it is. I can’t do any evenings as I already have other commitments, and I’m trying to work out when I can possibly fit another session in during the day. I suppose it will need to be Friday sometime, if that would suit people.


Thanks Aran and Deborah.
Muchas gracias :grinning:


After giving it some thought, as I can’t do an evening, and it’s hard to squeeze another session during the day Mon-Thurs, I’m going to try offering a special Partner/Group Chat session on a Friday morning - 11:00 to 12:00 UK Time. During the first half hour, there will be 2 Partner Chat opportunities, then the second half hour will be Group Chat for you all to share what you’ve been talking about and extend the conversation. What do you think? Anyone interested?

I’ll give it a try this Friday and next week too, and if it’s successful, we can add it into the timetable to make the sessions back to 6 per week. If it’s not popular, then I’ll have to try and think of something else.


I’d be interested in that. I used to do the Tuesday morning Partner Chat but have a Welsh class on Tuesday mornings now. Morning sessions are better for me than evening or afternoon.


Is there somewhere I can look to find out about the zoom sessions?

@Aine as a paying subscriber, you’re entitled to join our SSiW Community Chat Slack group where you’ll find the information about the Zoom sessions in the #1-start-here channel.

I’ve sent you an invitation to join now.

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Thank you!

I’d call that a success. Great session this morning and well attended. Thanks Deborah.


Diolch a chroeso! It did seem to work quite well. Hopefully more will join us as the word gets out :slight_smile:


I will most definitely join when i can. It kinda falls between my classes at the moment but occasionally i have Fridays off or classes change times.
Pob lwc