Wnes i question

P’nawn da, can I ask a question about gwnes i (to do/to make), i think gwnes i cacen = i made a cake, wnest ti paned o de = did you make a cup of tea?
Are there any instances where I would say gwnes i neud, :thinking: diolch

I don’t think so, but am prepared to stand corrected.

Diolch Margaret, a group of us was practicing wnes i, wnest ti, etc and one of the group mentioned he thinks you can use gwnes i neud but I’m not sure

"Wnes i wneud … ", although not grammatically correct, is something you will hear all the time in the wild, said by first language speakers everywhere.


Yeah, what Geraint said :heart:

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No, you would not say ‘gwnes i neud’’. ‘Gwnes i gacen’, ‘I made a cake’. However you might hear, in answer to a question like "beth nest ti ddoe?. “Gwnes i ddarllen, gweithio, rhedeg”. “I did read, work, run”.

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Diolch Paul

Just to be clear here, although this is good grammar, you will quite certainly hear native speakers saying ‘wnes i wneud cacen’, so it’s very much not one to worry about :slightly_smiling_face:


Diolch Aran so it’s ok to use either

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Yeah, absolutely. Messy stuff, language :slight_smile:

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  1. Went to see the Welsh-language horror film Gwledd here in Oxford last night: it’s distributed with English subtitles, which of course both helps & hinders, but I did definitely catch an instance of wnes i wneud in the dialogue somewhere.

  2. I keep wanting this thread to say Wnes i gwestiwn.

I’m confused by this, too. Wnes i ddechrau, or (fe) ddechrais i? Which is correct?

Both are correct.
Wnes i ddechrau, I did start. Wnes comes from Gwneud, to do or to make. Gwneud conjugates (changes) according to the person.
Dechreuais i, I started. Dechrau conjugates, changes according to the person.

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Diolch yn fawr i’ch ateb!
