Where did advanced go?

I’m very sorry if this is an old question but I couldn’t find a response as yet. I have been going through levels 3, and then the previous “advanced” for the South Wales challenges. But a couple of days ago I found the advanced is now a collection of people speaking. This is great and I’ve been listening to it. But I would really love to access the old advanced again as there were phrases and vocabulary that I really wanted to encounter again. Is that squirrelled away somewhere that I can find?

I think you may be talking about Old Course 3? I’ll give you a direct link here so you can take a look. If it’s not that, we’ll have to think again :slight_smile:


If that’s the right material, then you can get to it either by clicking on “Learn” above, then going first to Classic Challenges, then scrolling down to the “Old Course” links,

OR, if you’re in the new app, you can go to Account, then My Resources, then look for the Original Courses link there.

I’m seeing if I can attach a screenshot.

If you can’t see it, it’s not the old course but the advanced level after level 3. Advanced still exists but the content now is listening practice not practicing words and phrases.

Your screen shot shows exactly what I’ve known as the Advanced Course since I started with SSiW more than 2 years ago. For me, this section has always been different in content and form from the six ‘question and answer’ courses (OCL1-3 and NCL1-3).

Perhaps one of the Old courses (OCL3?) was called ‘Advanced’ in the early days and then was renamed?

In the very early days, when there was only the old Original courses, Course 2 was called ‘Intermediate’ and Course 3 was called ‘Advanced’.

After that we developed the Challenges in Levels 1 to 3, and the Advanced Content was created - a series of interviews with different speakers accompanied by vocab lists and transcripts if you look at them on the website.

There has never been an Advanced that came after Course 3, and the only Advanced after Level 3 is the Advanced Content that is still there.