Dear Cymraegosiaradists,
This is something I put together just messing about. It is the way I learn languages, like, learning to swim by just jumping in the lake. I copy and modify stuff from the resources I have found, and so far I can’t produce anything like this independently. To be honest, I don’t think I remember how to say my name is Chris yet.
Ah yes, hang on, Chris dw’i. Got it.
Plenty of poetic licence, and surely lots of mistakes. If anybody has the time, please feel free to give me any feedback you feel I would benefit from.
Please be sympathetic, I have been learning Welsh for two days, probably a total of 3 hours study.
Like I said, I have not learned all this much in three hours, I just navigate the resources and find sentences to copy and modify.
If you want the English translation to give you an idea of what I was trying to say, bear with me while I write it
Few notes *
I included the 'n after the first kath because it is used after the mae hi pronoun, but I have not been able to find if this is correct or not.
I have not encountered any rules regarding articles yet, other than very basic examples of yn, and the word mewn, which seems clear. So by and large, I have just gone ahead without them.
Kath y kath 'n* dod om Menllech ond mae hi’n byw yng Nghaerdydd. Mae hi’n gweithio mewn siop. Mae hi arddunol kath, koch a gwyn. Dyw e ddim yn hoffi gweithio, hoffi dysgu Kazakh. Mae hi’n mynd i byw yn Almaty yn Kazakhstan fory. Mae hi’n eisaiau gweithio mewn ysgol.
Ddoe, gwelodd hi * teigr yn nhref. Teigr Bob ydw’i.
“Bore da, Bob” siaradodd hi.
“Bore da. Sut wyt ti?”
“Fory dw i’n mynd i’r Kazakhstan, ond dw i ddim siarad Kazak.”
“Bûm yn Kazakhstan, dw i’n hoffi Almaty, mae e’n arddunol.”
Kath gofynnodd hi am cwestium…
“Pam buost ti yn Almaty?”
“Canais i yn Almaty Eistedfodd.”
“Beth gwelaist ti?”
“Gwelais i arddunol gwragedd. Merchatais i.”
“Faint gwelaist ti?”
“Miliwn. Dw i’n hoffi Kazakh gwragedd.”
“Ydy nhw’n siarad Cymraeg?”
“Nac ydy, ond maen nhw’n siarad Saesneg.”
“Ofnadwy! Dw i ddim hoffi Saesneg. Mae en anniddorol!”
“Dim problem. Maen nhw’n caru estron yn Kazakhstan. Byddi di’n cael cydwedd.”
“OK, diolch. Hywl fawr!”
Kath aeth hi i’r maes glanio. Gwelodd hi Kazakh ceffyl a siarodon nhw Saesneg. Ceffyl da siarad Saesneg. Gorffennon nhw i’r Almaty a siaradon a lot*. Ceffyl siaradodd e, “Tuig, dw i’n ceffyl a yn Kazakhstan maen nhw’n bwyta ceffyl. Dichon byddwyn ni ddim yn gweld ei hunan yn Almaty.”
A buodd clau! Kath ddim gwelodd ceffyl. Byth!
Ond ym wyty, pan mae roedd hi’n bwyta Kazakh bwyd, cofiodd hi ei cydwedd, y ceffyl…
Cue Twighlight Zone music …. …. …. ….
Glossary of intended terms (this is what I was hoping to say when I used these words)
Kath y kath = Kath the cat
fy = my
tref (nhref) = town (as in town centre, implied meaning, the way we would say it in English)
ond = but
cydwedd = friend
Merchatais I = I chased the girls
arddunol = beautiful
clau = true
fory = tomorrow
ddoe = yesterday
pam? = why?
Bûm = I was
pan = when (at the time of)
Dichon + Maybe
ei hunan = each other
Dichon byddwyn ni ddim yn gweld ei hunan yn Almaty = Maybe we won’t see each other in Almaty