Welsh Music Videos and Audio Files

I’m pretty sure that they released an album on Fflach records.


Here you go: A mini album and a single - Probably still available if you contact the label.


I saw them at the Leadmill with SFA last week. Quite a lot of English lyrics now. I’d only ever heard them sing in Welsh before. Good gig though.

Oes rhywun sydd yn gwybod lle mod i’n medru cael y geiriau i "Sausage Beans & Chips: gan Chaotic Discord?

Is there someone who knows where I can get the words to “Sausage Beans & Chips” by Chaotic Discord?


Now, there is a song called Sausage Beans and Chips by the cartoon, hard-core, early eighties punk band (actually not a proper band, but that’s another story) Chaotic Dischord, but this is a different song to the Welsh classic Sosej Bîns a Chips by the band Rocyn.

I won’t post both the songs here for comparison, because the Chaotic Discord song contains some very, very bad language indeed, but here’s the Rocyn song.

Unfortunately I don’t know where to find a transcription of the lyrics. Sorry!

Rocyn, by the way is a Pembrokeshire word for boy. Crwtyn is the word you’ll hear slightly further east.

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Aha! Then let us test him! @robbruce do you remember a band from around the early 90s called ‘Lovespoon Economy’. I vaguely remember them, but can’t find any trace of them now everything has been uploaded to the internet. Your reputation is on the line!

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There was a series of compilation cassettes called that on the R-Bennig label in 1995. I suspect the bands on it were figments of the imagination of the label boss, Jonny R.

Some details here: http://link2wales.co.uk/labels/r-bennig/
More details, including track listing here: http://archive.is/GPUJd

R.BEN30 Amlgyfrannog - “Love Spoon Economy Vol 1”
[Caset Hir] 1995
TONY HEB ALOMA - “30 Rhywbeth”
TONY HEB ALOMA - “Miss Jones”
TEEN TONES -“Ted Williams”
JOHNNY TOMMOROW - “Chwarae Teg I’r Anabl”
DANW - “Deluth Lv’s Naomi”
R-BENNIG ALLSTARS - “Meddalwedd”
W.D.A. - “Ond Amser”
W.D.A - “Bjorn A Lembo”

R.Ben31 Amlgyfrannog - “Love Spoon Economy Vol 2”
[Caset Hir] 1995
H.3 - “Tyrd Yma Nawr”
H.3 - “Afallon”
R-BENNIG ALLSTARS - “Diwrnod Arall Craplyd”
Y WYLFA - “Swig O Nwy Pelydrau”
Y QUANGO - “Troi Yn Dy Fedd Saunders”
W.D.A - “Boot Camp Cymru”
DJ R/CATRIN C.I.A - “Ysbryd Newydd”[Jyngl Mics]
MERANDA - “Anfarwol” [Tip Top Edit]
Y QUANGO - “Nol I Basics”
CYMAL 3 - “Saethu’r Sin”

Are you in the pub Wednesday night, by the way?


Diolch, Rob. I think this may have been the version I heard on Tommo’s show; it sounds very like it at any rate. Would they have played the other one if it indeed contains vulgarities? Anyway, thanks again.

A Song for the Welsh football team in the European Championship 2016 (Cystadleuaeth Ewropaidd)

It is a cover originally from a well known 1980s Welsh band “Anhrefn” (Disorder/chaos)
Gadael y wlad a gadael fy ngwlad
Dwishor siawns i’weld y byd
Dwi’n rhedeg lawr y Champs d’Elysse
Yn chwilio am y Mona Lisa
Edrych o ben y tor Eiffel
Ac yn sguno egni o awyr Paris
Mor hawdd fysa setlo am y bywyd braf
Ond dwisho rhedeg nol i Cymru.

Rhedeg i fyny ac i lawr
Rhedeg i Paris
Rhedeg i ffwrdd i ddod yn ol
Dwi’n rhedeg i Paris.

Wrth fynd i ffwrdd a troi fy nghefn
Cafwyd y siawns i edrych yn ol
Ar ol rhedeg lawr y Champs d’Elysse
Yn chwilio am y Mona Lisa
Wedi ffendio’r llun a gweld y twr
Cofiais bod pentrefi wedi boddi dan ddwr.

Does dim portread a all gymharu
A’r siawns i weithio dros fy nghartre.

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I’m very ignorant about the Welsh music scene, to be honest, but something on the Radio Cymru website drew my attention to Geraint Lovegreen, and I started playing some of these samples:


There’s a lot there I like…I think it might be the generous use of sax that particularly floats my boat, although that’s not the only thing.

Amusingly, when I play the track " 14. DAFYDD ELIS THOMAS"
it sounds remarkably like Brian Ferry’s (and others) “Let’s stick together”, which we discussed here some while ago, in the context of the Radio Cymru ads for the Six Nations…


Hello, not sure whether it’s been mentioned already, but Spotify has got plenty of Welsh artists as well.

I first ended up on Spotify looking for a Welsh “punk” group singing in Welsh called Here be Dragons but at the bottom of the page it will always recommend similar artists, so if you look for a Welsh artist it will usually recommend other Welsh artists.

I had a free account and I had to listen to a few of the suggested track before listening to my chosen tracks but I got to listen to some really nice stuff…

Anyway, it’s just something to keep in mind…


O, yes, but when I hear/see “Spotify” I always react like “grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”.

For us in Slovenia it is not available and despite I nag them now and then already for 4 years or so it doesn’t look any chance we’d be able to one day …

So I just have to stick to other, more accessable resources. :slight_smile:

There is a Welsh version of Spotify on the way called Apton. It’s being worked on by Sain Records. It was due to appear earlier in the year, but has been delayed, probably due to licensing wrangles. I’m hoping that it will see the light of day at the National Eisteddfod, but things have gone a bit quiet.

I don’t think there will be a free version, but there will be a cheap subscription streaming version and a pricier download/offline version. I’m hoping that by the time of launch they will have licensed pretty much the entire available back catalogue of Welsh music including the kind of rare stuff that goes for a fortune on ebay.

I believe that the idea is that they can re-licence the platform to other minority cultures in order that they too can take back control of their heritage from both the internet mega-corps and the pirates.


Now I only hope it’ll not be geo-restricted …

I can use all sort of stuff from BearShare, BandiCamp, iTunes all the way to eMusic etc … but Spotify … If things will be good with this Welsh version of it I won’t hesitate to pay reasonable subscription. I’m paying for more “silly” stuff why wouldn’t for this. Hardly wait to see what comes out! Keep us allerted @robbruce.

Diolch. :slight_smile:

If you use a VPN you can connect to everything we have over here (UK), so you’d be able to access Spotify and other services including S4C in case you can’t watch it…

Hmm, never really tried. Thank you.

But we shouldn’t start dabate about this on here I think so let’s finish this topic of discussion at this point.


Apologies if this has already been on here but just wanted to share this. I have recently discovered Plu and love their sound. They have recently joined up with Colorama to form Bendith and here is their new single. They have an album out in September and a tour to come I believe. Look forward to that. :slight_smile:


They were on Ochr 1 a couple of weeks ago (time-limited link) http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p03txl2j/ochr-1-pennod-4


I almost put that link on too Rob :slight_smile:

Here’s another link that I thought may be of interest to some, especially fans of Gwyneth Glyn. It gives you the links to Youtube clips and you can download the lyrics to many of her songs and some of other artists too :slight_smile:
