Isy Suttie, Partner to Ellis James. An old song but I heard it for the first time yesterday. Particularly suitable for learners.
She’s brilliant! I remember listening to that whole series at the time, and it was when I was just starting to learn Welsh myself. You can tell there aren’t any Welsh speakers in the audience when no one laughs the first time through!
Buddug has been a bit of a sensation over the past year since releasing this, her first song, at only seventeen and still at school, and instantly making the prime-time playlists of both Radio Cymru and Radio Wales.
Here she is with her band performing at Maes B during the summer. I particularly like the little glance to her keyboard player when she realises that the crowd know all the words, and the joy on the faces of the young people as they celebrate the fact that one of them is on stage, smashing it.
I’ve been listening to the Eden album “Heddiw” on Spotify and I can understand a fair bit but would like to see the written lyrics to check my understanding and fill in the gaps. Has anyone bought the CD and can tell me if it includes a copy of the lyrics, please? Diolch
Lyrics & translation here - I had to ask Buddug on Instagram for one phrase I just couldn’t quite catch…
ETA - you’re right, the reactions of the crowd to the band, and the band to the crowd are just precious. A joy to watch.
Yes, thank you so much! I missed Robs and others music. I have everything I need now @deborah. Ti’n seren
Being on the other side of the planet I have totally missed out on Cymric music. The other day, a friend sent me the link to Fernhill’s Llatai which I adore. I’ve been trying to find the lyrics (in Cymraeg). Can anyone help?
Hopefully this is the right place to share this. Sain has just released a new anthology, Stafell Sbâr Sain, and is digitising its 3,000 album back catalogue.
‘Together in creativity for peace!’ Sain, the indie label pushing Welsh music forward for 56 years