Welsh learners in London want to contact me?

Hi, I’m Mared and I’m studying Journalism at City uni in London. I’m writing an article about the rise in Welsh learners. Any learners living in London want to contact me to answer some questions about their Welsh learning experience? It would mean a lot!! My email address is gruffyddm@gmail.com. Diolch yn fawr x

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Email sent!

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I’m not in London but if you’re struggling for take up I’m happy to sgwrs cach am dipyn :slight_smile:



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Hi, I’m just outside London and would be happy to help. I’ll send you an email.

Bore da Cockney Danny. Dwi’n dechrau gweld i ti at lot o bethau Cymraeg

Da iawn met

Do you only want learners living in London Mared? Not near London (Norfolk!), but happy to help if people further away OK too.

I live in South London and I’ll happily answer questions. My first ever meet-up with other Welsh speakers in Abertawe at the weekend was a disaster to start with and you may even find quite amusing! David

Did you see this post, Mared?

and this

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