New Day Out date in London - 23/10

It’s your last chance to book a place on this trip this week.

Unfortunately, if there aren’t enough numbers it won’t be setting off to London…
but the good news is that I will be coming :smile::smile:

I live in Hampshire, an easy train ride from London, is there an option to join just in the days, also, what hotel/area are you staying in? Many thanks

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@emma-powell. Yes there is, I don’t think we’ll be able to fill a bus/coach so the Day Out will be held on the 16th, more details to follow :slight_smile:
Edrych mlaen i gyfarfod pawb, looking forward to meeting everybody

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Good question! I suspect there are a good number of us within easy reach of London who’d like to join in as well :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll look at getting a hotel for the saturday night? What area are you staying in please? (I can do some Christmas shopping on the Sunday!!)


I’d like to come for the day - don’t need trabsport or accommodation. How do I book on?

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No need to book for Days Out. We just want to establish a meeting place where we can all meet up, if it’s five people or fifteen :slight_smile:

More details will be sent out soon ( as soon as we hear if the coach is coming or not!). Diolch


Has the weekend been moved to Nov 23rd now?

Yes, Very sorry, I forgot about this thread.
Yes, @emma-powell, the trip had to be cancelled because there weren’t enough people on board unfortunately, @johnwilliams_6.
@ceri-francis already knows because she cones on hangouts :slight_smile:

The date has been moved to 23rd of November…and I have booked my train ticket already :+1::mountain_railway:

@AddiT you know the date has moved to the 23rd, I think I wrote it on the poscard, :slight_smile:

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@richard-j85. The option will only be a day out now anyway. It’s moved to the 23rd. Hope you can make it :slight_smile:

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Yes I should be able to

Oh dear - I was going to come but, as luck would have it, I can’t make that weekend :disappointed:

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Gutted, I cant make that weekend :-(:sleepy:

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It made more sense to move it to the next weekend since Marcus was arranging a get together anyway and I couldn’t see people coming out twice in a week.
Sorry about this @emma-powell a @johnwilliams_6
I hope we meet in the near future :slight_smile:

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Da iawn!! I’m so excited to meet people!

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@AddiT, don’t you see enough peoole in London :joy: only joking.
Edrych mlaen i weld pawb / looking forward to seeing everyone as well. Cyffrous iawn

Annwyl Nia,

Diolch yn fawr am y llun. A diolch yn fawr iawn am y diwrnod ardderchog yn Llundain. Roedd yn wych cwrdd â ti ac â’r holl bobl mor ddymunol a chyfeillgar eraill hefyd. Bu Richard a minnau yn ei fwynhau yn fawr. Dan ni’n edrych ymlaen yn awyddus at y tro nesaf!

Cofion cynnes,


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Gobeithio’n fawr dod nôl haf 2020, ac ymweld ag ychydig o leoliadau tro nesa :slight_smile: