Welsh Language Petition

A friend has started this petition to allow Welsh speakers living outside of Wales to be included on the census


I’ve already signed because although it doesn’t apply to me personally, I have friends outside Wales to whom it does apply. Omitting this option does not give the accurate portrayal of the UK population that the census purports to. Wherever you are in the UK, please add your name to it and get people you know to too (even if they don’t speak Welsh, perhaps they’re willing to sign this in support of those it affects). Let’s help prove that Welsh isn’t confined to as small a minority as the current census says it is! :slight_smile:


Done it!


Done and will tell others about it.

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Is it fair enough to sign this even though one has no (known) Welsh heritage whatsoever?
I’d certainly like to sign it.
(Having said that, my Cumbrian ancestors probably spoke Cumbric, which was probably Welsh with a more northerly accent… :wink: )

“Ey oop grwt, shoo meye?”


May I ask a pedantic question please? Does ‘speaking Welsh’ mean fluently? or trying to learn it? being able a read a few Welsh posts on my Twitter feed? Being able to say a few sentences? - I’m guessing not!

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Absolutely - there is nothing to say you have to have Welsh heritage to stand up for the Welsh language! I don’t speak Cornish or Manx or have any heritage from those places, but if someone raised a petition to have those options available on the census on a UK wide basis, I’d certainly sign :slight_smile:


If I may offer a slightly pedantic answer (:wink: ) , even if the only thing you can say is “dwi’n dysgu Cymraeg”, what language are you speaking when you say it? :smiley:


@siaronjames Thanks, I’ve ended up in an odd situation where I can read Welsh far better than I can speak it, and yes, I do have some Welsh ancestry. I’ll sign it.

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Signing this isn’t about whether you (plural), personally, speak Welsh or to what extent. I feel it’s about supporting the Welsh language in general. If you feel that those who live in the UK outside of Wales should be able to tick a box saying they speak Welsh, then sign it - after all, one day you might find yourself in their situation. :wink:


Done :slight_smile:

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Wedi seinio fo :slight_smile:

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I won’t ask if I may! I just signed it with my very straight comment! For the people’s rights I stand! (and for the language for that matter)!


Almost 250 people have signed this today which is brilliant! Rhys is thrilled but says there needs to be more than 1000 for anything to happen and suggests people could speak to their local MPs after the election. Please keep sharing wherever you can. Diolch o galon! :slight_smile:



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Signed and shared :slight_smile:

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334 signatures so far! Keep sharing and signing please! Diolch o galon :slight_smile:



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