Welsh conversation practice in Australia

My Welsh learning has become stuck. I have no-one to converse with in Welsh. I assume that I am not alone in this - Is there anyone in Australia (I am in the Brisbane time zone) or perhaps in New Zealand who would be interested in practicing with others - perhaps Skype or similar?

I live in a small rural town about 200 km from Brisbane.

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Hiya Andrew, croeso i’r ffwrwm! There are quite a few Aussies here, and there’s actually a monthly group chat via Skype. I’ll tag @lynne_freudigmann who organises it. If I’m not mistaken she’s still in Wales at the moment, but I’m sure she’ll be in touch as soon as she can! :slight_smile:


I am more than happy to skype if you want. I am in Adelaide, but work week on week off in the mines so I miss the aussie skype chat. Let me know if you are interested and I will pm you my Skype details.

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When are they doing the aussie skype chat at the moment Karla?

Great, yes please. Diolch yn fawr.

Last I heard they were on Thursday nights at 8:00(?). Unfortunately that’s a work night for me so I’ve never been able to join.

Cheers Karla, I have never been involved either due to work. Gallu i Skype gyda ch’i hefyd, os wyt’n eisiau ryhwan i siarad gyda.

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Byddw fi’n hapus i siarad 'da ti! I’m in Wales at the moment - I have another week here, and then I’ll be dying of jetlag! But after that, I’m sure I can work something out! :slight_smile:

Iawn! Sounds good, I think you allready have my skype details?

Dim porblem! PM sent.

I believe I added you on Skype, yes. :slight_smile:

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Hi Andrew, I will be back in Brissy by 9 September. I’ll add you to the list if you send me your Skype name. The next chat is on the last thursday in September, the 28th. I’ll be in touch before then. Welcome to our group.


Sut oedd Cymru Lyyne? Dw i’n gobeitho oedd ti’n cael amser dda!

dr.andrew.rees is my skype

dr.andrew.rees is my Skype

Hi Lynne,

I’ve pencilled in this Thursday. Is it still on?
Dwi’n teimlo nerfus iawn, ond mae dal mynd i gneud.



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Does anyone have an update on this Australian Skype meetup?


Hi Lynne,

Any chance there will be a meet up that I can join?

I think that I sent my Skype name before, but perhaps that didn’t work.


Kind regards


Hello Andy, I did send you a Skype request but haven’t heard back yet. I’m very sorry for the mix up with the date. I made a mistake. It’s october, not September. The reason is that I couldn’t guarantee I would be available in September. I did ask if someone else would fill in but there were no volunteers. I can chat with you in the meantime if you would like. My life is quite difficult at the moment as my son in law has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. They live next door to me. They have four children and I am on call these days. Just give me a few options and I’ll do what I can. I also need the practise.

Hello again. My email address is lynfreud@hotmail.com. It says on Skype that we are contacts.