Weekly Chat in Dolgellau

I just thought that I’d post about our informal chat group that meets every Wednesday morning in Caffi TH Roberts in Dolgellau. After meeting throughout the pandemic on Zoom (with occasional garden meetings), we have finally ventured to meet face to face again.

Day/Time: Wednesday mornings, 10.00 a.m. onwards. Usually we stay until around 11.45 a.m, but people drop in and out as their other commitments permit.

Place: TH Roberts cafe, Dolgellau. We meet in the big room upstairs. Look for a group chatting in Welsh.

If any of you live locally or are visiting the area on holiday, you are very welcome. If you want any more details or to let us know you are coming, please just send me a message on here.


I’m visiting Dolgellau in a few weeks. I’m actually on holiday in Porthmadog but coming to do Dolgellau parkrun on the Saturday. This cafe is the recommended place to go for post parkrun breakfast.

Indeed, that is where the Parkrunners go after their run. If you’re staying in Porthmadog, there is also a Caffi TH Roberts in Porthmadog. The food should be the same, though the cafe building is not so characterful.

Hi, we’re very excited as my husband and I are moving to the area at the beginning of May and would love to join the group! We’ve been learning for a couple of months now, just about to finish week 10 and are just loving learning the language! See you soon :upside_down_face:

You are very welcome to join us. Numbers vary. Sometimes there are just 4 or 5 of us but it can be as many as a dozen. Looking forward to meeting you both.

Great to find this! I am staying in Corris until June and eagerly looking around for conversation groups. I’ll join you next week. Do you know of any others in the general area? Looking forward to meeting you, Jenny

I look forward to meeting you. The group is very informal and though the start time is listed as 10.00 a.m., we don’t really start until around 10.15, so that’s a good time to arrive if you’re coming for the first time. We meet upstairs in the big room and unless someone has already bagged the seats, we’ll be sitting at the far end by the windows. Just look for a group nattering in Welsh.

Shwmae…! I will be in Dolgellau from August 29 to September 14. I’d enjoy joining, honing some Welsh chops, if this shindig’s still happening? Diolch…!

@margarethall would be the best person to answer that question for you. I hope it’s still on. It sounds like a great group!

Hi, @BrianT! Yes the weekly meetings are continuing in the TH Roberts cafe in Dolgellau. As I said above, the group is very informal and all levels of Welsh speaking are welcome. The official start time is 10.00 a.m., but we don’t really start until around 10.15, so that’s a good time to arrive if you’re coming for the first time. We meet upstairs in the big room. Order your teas/coffees etc at the counter and make your way up the stairs at the back. Unless someone has already bagged the seats, we’ll be sitting at the far end by the windows. Just look for a group nattering in Welsh.

I will just say that though we do keep going right through the summer, numbers tend to drop because of people going away on holiday or having friends and family visiting. If you were planning on attending just one session, I suggest you make it one of the Wednesdays in September when we get back into our normal routine, i.e. either 6th or 13th September. But you’re very welcome to come to all three that coincide with your visit if you’re free.


Da iawn…! Diolch yn fawr…!

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Hi, just found this link. Does the group still meet? We have a caravan in Dolgellau and spend most of the summer here. I would be very interested in attending on Wednesday mornings if the group is still active.

We do indeed still meet. We were in the cafe yesterday morning. Numbers vary. It has been as many as a dozen, but usually there are 6 or 7 of us there. Proficiency varies from native speaker and retired Welsh tutor right down to people who have just started SSiW or a Welsh for Adults class, so all levels of fluency are welcome.

As I explained in my previous post, we meet upstairs in the big room and can usually be found in the seats near the window. Order and pay for your drinks and snacks at the counter, they will be brought up to you. It’s a casual drop in group and we do just chat, it’s not a lesson. Best to arrive around 10.15 a.m. when there should be someone there. We usually finish around 11.45, but there is no need to stay for the whole morning if you have other things you want to do.

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Hi if you are still meeting in September/October I’ll be in Dolgellau for 3 weeks and would love to join you

We meet throughout the year. Numbers can drop a little over the summer due to people being away on holiday or having family staying with them, but we’ll be back to normal in September. I hope you’ll come and join us. New faces are very welcome.