With no chance of having real physical meetups but ‘Zooming’ becoming all the rage due to Lockdown, it seems a good idea to have a place where people wishing to practise their Spanish can set up a Zoom session (or other communication software if you prefer) and invite others in for a chat.
This isn’t tutor-led or any kind of ‘official’ session, just a place for you to get in touch with others and arrange your own virtual ‘meet ups’.
¡Qué lo paséis bien! Enjoy yourselves!
(Make sure you post your time zone, preferably with GMT as well, e.g. the UK is currently on BST which is GMT+1)
All you need to do is decide when you’d be available to chat with others and post days and times here.
It might be rather slow initially, until people start to realise the possibility exists, but the idea is that others will see when they’re available, say that they’re interested and you can start a Zoom session and post the link here, or agree between you if you’d rather use Skype, or Jitsi or some other kind of communication software.
This is just acting as a coordinating place, so you can organise together.
me gustaria practicar mas
Available most evenings except Wednesday UK time 7pm onwards via Zoom.
I’ve only just started upto lesson 7 but happy to put a zoom link up for others to join ,add a message if your interested and we can make this happen.
It would be easier for me to say when I’m not available, which are Wednesdays from 15:00 to about15:40, Fridays from about 10:00 to10:30 and from 19:00 to about 19:40, and Saturdays from about 9:30 to 11:30. Apart from those I’m pretty much available whenever during lockdown. I can use almost any medium except Facetime. My Zoom name is Roy Sutcliffe and my email address is annandroy@ntlworld.com. I am currently in BST.
How about a Tuesday evening folks? I started the challenges last November then stopped, started again this year then stopped, so an online meetup would really help I think!
Wyndsor, a Zoom link for Tuesday evening would be just great. I started at the end of January. Like others I feel I need all the help I can get. Thank you.
Looking forward to seeing whoever drops in for a chat and a bit of Spanish .
Hopefully clicking on the link will bring you to the zoom room.
Just incase it don’t my meeting ID is 752 744 6562
Nos vemos a los siete