Unable to login to app

Good morning,

I’m unable to login to the SSI Welsh app, but I’m able to login to the website. When I enter my correct username and password into the app, the box I’m putting them in just shakes when I try proceed.
I’ve tried disabling my VPN, different WiFi networks, double checked the password, and entered my email address into the box within the iOS settings app, above where the version is detailed.
My hardware is as follows
iPhone 13 mini
SSI Welsh version 2.23 (117)

I’d be really grateful for any help! Thanks in advance, let me know if there’s anything I can do :slight_smile:

Hi @rhys-jenkins

We.have had an upgrade over the weekend which has broadly gone well but with a few scattered side effects - and this might be one.

I’m going to copy @Kinetic into the email to take a look.

Thanks for letting us know and sorry for the inconvenience,

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @rhys-jenkins - I think I know what this was, as I discovered this problem earlier today while chasing down some automatic error reports I’d been receiving. Could you give it another try and let me know if you still have any trouble? Cheers!


Super! Working perfectly. Thank you both very much for the excellent service.


Good afternoon,

I tried to launch the second lesson today, but it kept prompting me to subscribe. I figured I could log out and log in again, to maybe prompt the app to recognise my subscription. Unfortunately I seem to be having the same problem as detailed in this thread again. Apologies if I’m doing something wrong! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help resolve this.

Hello all, just to say this is happening for me as well! Thanks v much in advance for any tips to resolve it!

I’m running into the same issue as Rhys-jenkins. I can log into website just fine. App kept telling me to subscribe so I logged out, but then couldn’t log back in.

Having precisely the same issue. Have changed pass on website (which is problem free) but can’t get into app.

Hi, the same problem is affecting me too I’m afraid. Basically the app logged me out and won’t let me log in, even though I’m using the correct details (which work to log me into the website).

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the inconvenience - we are looking at this - we hope to have this fixed soon.


I wonder if there is someone around who had the problem on this thread - could you please check to see If it is working now?



Fixed for me. Thanks!


Yep fixed for me too, thanks!


Sort of fixed for me too, I can log in to the app now but, when I try and reply to a post I get redirected to a page that says “ Login Error

Account login timed out, please try logging in again.”

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Hi Rich… No luck here. I logged out of my laptop and my IPhone. Before I did that, I changed my password. Still can’t log in. I keep getting messages saying they can’t find my account because of my email address
It shows up as jimmatthews but my email address is
jim@precisiontab.com. I even tried opening another account. But that doesn’t work either. I need help. Can you look into my account to see what password is registered. This is a little frustrating that I can’t get logged in and nothing works except this IPad which I will not log out. Even with the IPad I can only access a couple of lessons. Hopefully you can check this out for me. All the Best, Jim Matthews. Colorado Springs, CO. USA

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OK, right, sorry about that @jim-matthews.

in general the problem seems resolved, so your case must be slightly different or specific to your circumstances.

I will rag @Kinetic to look at your account.

Thanks for your patience.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

:thinking: OK thanks for letting us know.

Any thoughts on this @Kinetic ?


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Thanks for trying Rich……I know that this has been a major problem for you and I really do appreciate your efforts. I will keep improvising and using the website until the problem has been resolved…Diolch yn fawr iawn!

Jim Matthews
Colorado Springs, CO


Hi, I still can’t log onto the app. I have been trying to download challenge 9 for about a week now but still asking me to subscribe which I have already done. I have logged out and changed password etc but no luck. Online still working but hard to use when out and about.
@Kinetic if you are able please can you have a look at my account as well. Diolch

Hi @jane-young could you try this again? This download permissions issue on the older app has been sorted now, so you should find that it works.