The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Hello there, could I get the link for the Saturday noon session please? May not be able to listen in every week as it is 11pm in Australia at this time of year, but will do my best if I am still awake. Diolch yn fawr, Mandy

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Yes, of course.

No you don’t need to do anything special.

You can run zoom in a browser - or on an App - it offers you the choice to run or download it when you click on the link…

You could give it a try by clicking on the link at any time - and see how it works :slightly_smiling_face:


OK, no problem - I will send it you now


Sat 11th

Thank goodness we talked about the rugby last week - before the game. :slightly_frowning_face: Let’s not discuss it :grin:

… I suspect Alan might mention it :thinking:

So this is…

Show n Tell

We haven’t done that for ages - it always a bit of fun! :upside_down_face: Bring a random object and tell us something about it or connected to it. :slightly_smiling_face:

If there is time…

What happened last week / will happen next week.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Rich
Great name !
Please send me the link for Saturday .

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Yes! I’ve sent it you by PM.

Stori’r Iaith is the programme Richard Dau spoke of. The following is from the programme’s website:
“Amryw wynebau adnabyddus sy’n mynd ar daith bersonol i ddarganfod mwy am hanes yr iaith Gymraeg. Famous faces go on a personal journey to explore the history of the Welsh language.”
The first programme was really interesting :slight_smile:

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There’s a link to it on S4C Clic in this thread

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S’mae Rich
Yes i would have loved to siarad am rugbaí lol. But unfortunately i was in Donegal for the weekend, so couldn’t attend the chat. I hope to be there this coming Saturday, gobeithio.

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Fedrwch chi anfon y linc plís? Diolch.

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Medraf! I’ll send it to you by PM

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 18th

Everyone welcome - I’ll send you the link if you’d like to join - let me know.


‘what’s the next step with my Welsh?’ This might be what you are doing now of course :thinking:

You might describe your journey so far - ie what you have tried - if you want to of course.

If we have time…

… what happened last week / what’s happening next week?

Listen if you like.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

S’mae Rich
Wnes I fwynhau’r sgwrs y bore ma. Diolch yn fawr.


Ha, haaaa :grin: - it makes me laugh every time - it’s brilliant isn’t it? :rofl:


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Yeah doniol iawn :rofl::baby::baby::cow2::cow2::sweat_smile:

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Sat 25th

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send you the link by PM.


Tell us something about your childhood eg. facts or a story :thinking: - short or long - whatever you like…

…and if there is time…

What will be happening to you this year? - trips, holidays, hobbies, work - anything or everything :grin:


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Diolch Rich
Llawer o ymarfer siarad heddiw :+1::shamrock::ireland::football::+1::dark_sunglasses:

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Sat 4th March

Let me know if you’d like to attend and I’ll send you the link by PM.

The idea of the topic is that it gives everyone a chance to have a little think what they might say beforehand - if you want to. :slightly_smiling_face:


If you were to win the lottery…

  • What could you spend it on?
  • What should you spend it on?
  • …but what would you spend it on?! :grin:

What’s your most annoying habit?!

If there is time…

…what happened last week/ what will happen next week.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Achubwr bywyd - diolch bawb.:slight_smile: :upside_down_face: :sunglasses: