The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

So, there’s a chance to start your ‘speaking Welsh’ new year’s resolution early - Sat 31st Dec at Noon! :grin:

Likely things to come up: what will you do for new year, any resolutions, things you have planned for 2023, how did Christmas go?

Let me know if you want to join in and I’ll send you the zoom link.

Listen if you like. :slightly_smiling_face:

Roedd yn hyfryd ymuno â chi i gyd eto. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda ar gyfer yfory! :fireworks:

It was lovely to meet with you all again - Happy New Year for tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Sat 7th at Noon

My assignmentts are going OK - revision is next on the list :neutral_face:… which is another good reason for an hours chat in Welsh - at Noon! :grin:

See you there. Suits all levels. Listen if you like.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 21st

Exam done - let’s not talk about it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. I will try and patch in to the meeting ar y ffordd from Aberystwyth to Harrogate (going for a week before lectures restart).

Anyone welcome for general Welsh chat - any level - let me know and I’ll send you the zoom link.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sat 28th at Noon

It’s a beautiful day… for a chat in Welsh. :sunglasses:

Let me know if you’d like the link and I’ll send it via PM. Listen if you like.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Could you please send me a zoom link please Rich,
diolch Steve


Wrth gwrs!

I’ll send it to you by PM :grin:

Hi Will you add me to zoom list for Saturdays please

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Helo Rich,

Could you add me to the Saturday Zoom meet up please.



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Prynhawn da Rich,

Dw i eisau mynd ar y dosbarth Zoom dydd Sadwrn.


Robin - Myneddiad.

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No problem - I’ll send you the link via Private Message.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes - PM on its way.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Iawn 'te - dim problem!

You’ll see a private message arrive in a moment - a green splodge on your avatar if you aren’t familiar with PMs.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 4th at Noon

We should get back to the good practice of having a topic - which means that everyone has the chance to think about it - if they want.

As a certain competition is starting on Saturday - let’s give the hornets’ nest a whack!


Do you prefer rugby, another sport - or have you got something else you’d much rather do with your time - if so - what is it?!

Other things:

If there is time - we often ask ‘what have you done this week - or what will you do next week’.

( Everyone always wants to know where you live as well - and how long you have been learning! :wink:)

Remember you don’t haves say anything - listening can be useful because you realise everyone else is the same as you! :grin:


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Please could you send me the link to the Zoom at Noon,




Yes of course - I’ll send it across today.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Me too please wendy

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Done! You should have it. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Done also!)

Hi, could you send me the link, too, please. Do I have to install anything special for Zoom? Thanks.
David G.

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