The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Diolch bawb, Diolch Rich :+1:

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Sat 11th

Let me know if you’d like to attend and I’ll send you the link.

The meeting suits all levels - we post a topic to allow everyone to have a think about it, if they want to.


How would describe yourself?

  • In terms of appearance eg tall or short, dark hair, blue eyes
  • As a person :thinking:

How would others describe you? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

…short or long answers - whatever you like.

If we have time

…what’s happening next week/ what happened last week.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 18th

I’m back! Thanks Chrissie, Carys and everyone for carrying on without me last week! :+1:


Tell us about about:

  • Something you think has got better recently - and something which has got worse (hopefully light heartedly :grin:)

  • Tell us about something you do best: and something which is ‘your worst’ - you are terrible at! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

If there is time

…we’ll cover ‘what happened last week’/ ‘what will happen next week’…

Let me know if you want to join in and I’ll send you the link by Private Message. Everyone welcome - it’s a good place to try out having a conversation!

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 25th

Let me know if you want to join and I’ll send you the link. The Topic allows time to think beforehand - if you want to :thinking:


  • What is your oldest possession?..and when did you get it?

  • What is your newest possession and when did you get that?

  • What’s your favourite thing at the moment (how long have you had it)?

If we have time…

What happened last week/ what will happen next week?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

1st April

Let me know if you want to join in and I’ll send you the link.


  • When did you last move house?

  • When will you next move house?..or, where would you like to move to, given the chance?

  • Tell us a ‘moving’ story - in either sense.

And if there’s time….

…what happened last week - what will happen next week?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

8th April

Let me know if you want to join and I’ll sent you the link.


  • What’s your favourite word, phrase or sentence in Welsh?

  • What trips you up?

If we have time.

What are you doing over Easter - this week/ Next week?

Do you give or receive chocolate?

Everyone welcome.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

15th April

Let me know if you want to join and I’ll send you think link.


  • if you were a superhero what would your special power be? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  • Who was your best friend at school?

  • What is the worst place you’ve rented?

If we have time…

What happened this week / last week.


Hi Rich! I wondered if i could join the chat? I’m in the Deep End atm, and have been going to Bill’s chat on Saturdays when i can.

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Just sent you link :+1:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Diolch am y sgwrs pawb - dw i’n disgwyl ymlaen at ddydd Sadwrn nesa. Cael hwyl! :slight_smile:

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Caz! You did great! :grin:


Diolch! O’in nerfus iawn ond mae’n hwyl i siarad efo pawb :slight_smile:


22nd April

Let me know if you’d like to join and I’ll send you the link.


Thetopic is purely for fun and gives you a chance to think about it beforehand if you want to.

  • were to write a book what would it be about

  • Do you have a summer holiday in mind?

  • Do you have a fear or phobia?

If we have time…

What happened last week - or will happen next week?

See you there - or be square…

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 29th

Let me know if you want to join and I’ll send you the link.


  • Tell us about your first phone - landline and/ or mobile? What could it do?! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  • What was your first computer? (Same)

  • What was your first and your favourite (Welsh / or be creative! ) book you read?

If we have time…

What happened last week / what will happen this week?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 20th

I have to go down to North Wales to pick up the keys to the house in Blaenau tomorrow - which is exciting of course but…not sure if I’ll be able join the meeting.


How about answering the question:

  • What are you going to do after the thing you are going to do next?..answered in whatever sense you choose…

  • (you could also tell us what the other thing is)

If there is time…

What happened last week and what will happen next week?


Anyone else trying to join today? :crossed_fingers:

Diolch yn fawr am y sgwrs Carys a Geraint - roedd yn hyfryd sgwrsio :slight_smile:
It really was lovely to chat. :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you’ve managed to pick up your keys OK @rich - and that the Cymanfa Ganu is well supported in Morley this afternoon Eileen.

Yes I’ve got them and am in the house right now. :slightly_smiling_face:

I did try joining at Noon by phone - just to say hello - as I was stuck in a traffic jam at the time …but there didn’t seem to be anyone there…but it’s not easy to be sure on the phone.

Sounds like you grabbed a conversation anyway. :+1:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


So sorry you missed us - sounds like your phone was working fine, chat started rather late… (hopefully your traffic jam had long since cleared by then!).

Look forward to catching up next week - enjoy settling in :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi all, it’d be great to join the Saturday Zoom this coming Saturday 27th from the UK. Is that possible. How would I get the link? Diolch yn fawr!

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