The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Sat 7th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - New, old or ‘no’ technology!

  • …so stories, or feelings about: a favourite or novel thing, a new phone, an old phone, first phone, no phone, no TV, new TV, landline phones, no electricity! No Water!! No Heating!!! :open_mouth:

  • …mobile phones the size of a house brick, computer screens that took up half the desk - or none of those things - or other technology things :thinking:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

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Sat 14th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - completely open!

  • …so I’m not there tomorrow and the suggestion is that there is no topic - so it will be a conversation about anything at all!

Let’s see what happens! :grin:

Rich :slight_smile:

Guessing there’s no Saturday at Noon, Zoom! this weekend (May 21st) @rich?

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Yes there is :grin:. Se you there,

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Yay! With you asap :partying_face:

Diolch i bawb :slight_smile:
Apologies re: brainstorm - I meant to say dylanwadol - influential.
Came up in relation to Rockfield being influential in the music industry.

Sat 28th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - exam stories!

…so, exam season is upon us - what about stories or feelings about: exams or tests you have taken or will take :thinking: e.g.

  • …last exam, first exam, best exam, worst exam - next exam, most important exam, most stupid or pointless exam - or anything else! :grin:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 4th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - Potted Histories!

…so, it seems to be a time of reflection with the Queens jubilee - but what about you and your life?! …what are the headlines on what happened to you: :thinking:

  • … where you were born, parents, family history, brothers, sisters, schools, changes of location, languages, the schools you went to, friends, partners, kids, hobbies, trips. Adventures - or anything you want :grin:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 11th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - Jobs - The good, the bad and the ugly!

  • …what would be your perfect job - or something you’d really to do - perhaps if money wasn’t a problem?: :thinking:

  • …meanwhile back in the real world :grin: - what was your best job - so far? would it suit you now?

  • …and to complete the set, what about the worst? :thinking:

This should give our comparatives and superlatives a shake down! :grin:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Edwin dw i. Dw i’n byw yn Burnsall (in the Dales). I would love to join this group but fear my skills are poor. I am cSylfaen level but find the listening and speaking hard.

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Hi Ed,

…jump right in - the water is lovely!

The group is really friendly with a range of skill levels. You can listen or speak as much or as little as you want but you will fit right in - I promise! :grin:

I’ll send you the zoom invite via Private Message.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Rich, I lost the link. Could you please re-send it to me. Thanks. Jac

1 Like

OK. Will do :+1:

Sat 18th at Noon

I’m going to be travelling back from Wales, so not going to be there…so, you could talk about anything, nothing or everything - or the topic below: :grin:

Topic - Moving on from your Petrol or Diesel car !

  • How much do you use a car anyway?..

  • …what would moving on from it mean for you? - biting the bullet and buying an electric car? - switching to Public transport only? - using one of these rent-by-the-hour schemes just for critical trips?

  • …what is stopping you from moving on? when do you expect to make this change? (What needs to happen beforehand?)

  • …or maybe you’ve made the switch already - tell us how it’s gone - upsides and downsides!

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Hi Rich! I wondered if it’d be possible to get the link? :slight_smile: Diolch!

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…wrth gwrs! :+1:

I’ll send it you via Private Message.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Diolch :slight_smile:

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Diolch am y sgwrs pawb - gobeithio cyrraedd yn agos at y dechrau tro nesaf :crossed_fingers:

Really do hope to arrive nearer to the start next time (!) - but even a short chat much appreciated :slight_smile:


Sat 25th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - Houses and Homes

  • …what type of property is your home - can you describes it?

  • …is it the right size for you now? …too big or too small maybe? Is everything perfect or does work need doing? :thinking:

  • …what about the garden - same questions - too big/ too small - work need doing? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • …would you consider moving?..and if so where to?..and what would you be looking for in your new home?

This should give our vocab for homes and gardens and those descriptive skills a workout! :slight_smile:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 2nd at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - Tidy or Tip?

I am going surfing tomorrow! :surfing_man: :sunglasses: :grin: so it’s over to you for discussion.

This is a topic suggestion from Eileen!:

  • …do you like to keep your house tidy? What about clean? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • …do you keep things to a minimum or keep everything just in case?! :thinking:

  • …maybe tell us how long it takes to clean aspects of your house and how often you do it? :open_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This should help clean and tidy our vocab for homes! :slight_smile:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile: