The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Could I join from 12 March please? I’ll.mosf likely do more listening than talking, if that’s ok.

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I presume that “noon” is Welsh time, which means 6am where I live in the US. It sounds like fun, but I am not up and moving by then. Sorry… :sleeping:

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Yes that is pretty early! :thinking: :grin:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

OK I’ll send you the link via PM

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 12th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


  • What have you tried or done recently which is new to you - in whatever form or sense you want!

  • Tell us something about it - the experience - was it/ is it good? Not good?

  • is it something you will continue with - or would try again?

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 19th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


So, almost exactly a year since we completed the census data and with those magical numbers for the number of Welsh speakers still lurking in the unannounced results:

  • Does more need to be done to increase the uptake of the Welsh Language - or is it ‘in hand’?

  • What are the important things that are going on that (will) make a difference?

  • Is there more/ something else can be done? Is the future secure - what is that future?

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

What timing Rich - I’d picked up on torri ar draws via playing Gairglo only the other day!! :slight_smile:

Diolch eto am yr amser sgwrsio 'ma. Thank you so much for this chat time; such a friendly group :sparkles:

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Sat 26th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


Caroline is in the chair this week! :dancer:

  • Summarise the plot of something you have read - Welsh or English - or potentially watched - in five sentences or less :thinking:

  • Spoiler alerts may be required! :grin:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Diolch am y sgwrs pawb :slight_smile:

If anyone’s interested in Ceri’s new virtual choir project, you can find out more about it here: Another Virtual Choir Opportunity for SSiWers.
I know it’s not too late to get involved - and that she’d love more male voices too. :musical_note:


Sat 2nd at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


  • What is your favourite thing or things at the moment…or something that makes you happy?

  • it could be an activity, an object - an idea or the the thought of doing something…a book, TV series, hobby, something you’ve learned, times with friends or relatives - anything you like.

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Link for Yma o hyd before the Wales-Austria game last week: :slight_smile:

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It’s a tear-to-eye listen isn’t it 🥲


Sat 9th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


  • What words or sayings do you like - or really annoy you? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  • How about those words or things that used to trip you up - better? Worse?! :grin:

  • Any new stumbling blocks? (That’s progress!)

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Diolch am fy ymweliad byr!! Next week will hopefully be the week when I manage to join you at/near the beginning…:crossed_fingers: Short time definitely better than none at all though :slight_smile:

Would anyone be happy to share their jokes written down? (It’s a lovely feeling to be able to enjoy the ones that only work in Welsh too :joy:)

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Definite lump in the throat watch :slight_smile:

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Interesting idea - but the world will get to see what terrible jokes get told in our meeting though?! :thinking:

Rich: pryd mae car ddim yn gar?..pan mae’n tro i fewn garej :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Helen: John yn brolio wrth ei gariad “Mae genni bedwar tý” “Ble mae nhw?” gofynnodd ei gariad “Tu ôl, tu blaen, tu fewn a thu allan” medde John. :grin:

Helen was the clear winner this week!

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sat 16th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - Turn up and Talk!

There is no topic this week - and there is no chair - it might be the best thing ever. Let me know how it goes!

Rich :slight_smile:

Diolch i bawb am y sgwrs :slight_smile:

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Sat 23rd at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - Music!

  • Slightly randomly, what is your favourite Beatles album? :thinking:

  • If you don’t know the albums, what about favourite Beatles song? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • If not the Beatles - then what about another group, artist, or type of music! :grin:

  • What about Welsh artists, or types of music?

  • So yes - we are talking about Music - pick any or all of the above!

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 30th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…

Topic - Music!

  • The weather is changing - it’s sunny but chilly - what is your favourite weather? :thinking:

  • Does this change during the year?

  • What’s your favourite season?

  • The nights are getting longer - should we bother with changing the clocks?

  • What about living somewhere that didn’t have those short days in the winter?

  • So, weather, seasons, clocks, places and time :grin:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile: