The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Diolch bawb! :slight_smile:

Was(is) ‘de-clutter’ dad-annibendod? Or dad-annibennu, as annibennu seems to be the verb form of clutter? It didn’t make my jotted notes, whatever the correct form!!

Sat 9th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


I have to go on a days training with the Scouts Saturday :neutral_face: so once again it’s over to you for discussion.

Here is a topic suggestion for you, should you choose to accept it.

  • …what was the best, or worst, or most unusual / noteworthy training you’ve ever done? :dog2:

  • …in a week where resignations were in the news - any amusing stories of people having to resign or being asked to leave (care required!) ? :open_mouth:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 16th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


I’m back this week! :man_dancing:

This week how about:

  • Elections are in the news this week - What elections do you remember (or moments of political turmoil) - maybe the earliest :open_mouth: - or ones that stood out for you, for some reason?

  • What is an Eisteddfod to you? Been to one/ many? Why do you they are so important in Wales?

  • Why dont Eisteddfods exist in English culture - our Brythonig brethyn?!

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Is there a Saturday at Noon, Zoom! this week @rich?

Sorry, yes there was - but I wasn’t there - I’m back next week!

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 30th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


I’m back again this week! :man_cartwheeling:

I have been listening to the candidates for ‘Learner of the Year’ on the radio - interesting - so every day is a school day - right? :thinking:

So, what have you learned this week? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • You have seven days to choose from - at least one thing must be interesting! :open_mouth:

  • This applies to anything or everything of course…

  • …but there could be a Welsh angle? :thinking:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Thanks to a prompt from Eileen, I plan to join the Forum yfory. Is there a topic/ subject that I could ymarfer.

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Hi @mr-edwin-williams

Great! If you scroll up a bit there is a ‘what did you learn this week’ topic.

This is just for fun - and gives everyone a chance to think about something to say, if they want to.

See you tomorrow!

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d like the link please :slight_smile:

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OK, great! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll send it to you by Private Message here on the forum. Let me know if you’ve got it - or not!

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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That was great! I’m really not used to zoom, but hopefully will get the hang soon. Thanks Rich

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Sorry I missed this! I took a risk and tried the link anyway -and had a lovely chat with Eileen and Chrissie last week :slight_smile:

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You did great - like a pro! :grin:


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Checking, I see there’s still good availability for tickets for Anthem at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff today - which is the last day of its run.
If you’re free and able to get there, would recommend - the show is in Welsh, but designed to be accessible to both learners and non-Welsh speakers; definitely enjoyed it on Wednesday.
I knew there was an 8pm performance tonight - but see there’s a 2.30pm one too, if anyone’s close enough to still get there in time!!


Sat 13th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


Childhood games or crazes…

  • What games did you - or the children in your life currently - play, inside and out

  • What about the crazes - which ones did you like or not?

  • i guess there are children big and small - what about games or hobbies as an adult?

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Sat 20th at Noon

Everyone welcome - let me know and I’ll send the link! Everything is just for fun - listen if you like! :sunny:

….if you send me topic suggestions, I’ll put them on the list and they’ll come up in future weeks…


  • When was the last time you did something new?…:thinking:

  • What was it? Maybe there are loads of things?

  • Tell us about it/ them :tipping_hand_woman:

Last week/ Next week…

What’s happening with you at the moment?

Kids Joke to finish

…see if you can find one which works in Welsh.

Rich :slight_smile:

Jury seems to be out on how to say ‘troll’ in Welsh - see these as the Scandinavian folklore type…

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The folklore one is ellyll (plural ellyllon)


Diolch @siaronjames