Done it!!
Wedi gwnued
Well done to the latest pink-badgers
Done it! And feeling rather proud of myself
Done it
Mae’n ddrwg da fi. Dwi wedi anghofio y task. Fe wnes i nawr. Hwre!
Done it, and have celebrated with chocolate.
Done. And the kettle is on
All done in 5 minutes. Feeling pleasantly surprised with myself!
Chocolate and a cup of tea … sounds like a celebration to me
I have done it!! At last, 5 mins is a long time. Not sure how to post it to here.
Wedi 'neud e!
Done it
Mae hi’n gyflawn. (It is complete)
Some very well done celebrations in here - superb work, folks…
Done it! Thanks for the tips about learning on the go - I’m finding it goes in much quicker when I’m using headphones and walking somewhere / sitting on a train etc, than doing it at home.