The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** 🔴 (Awarded Mondays)

Well done Judith, it sounds quite daunting doing this, you are a bit further on than me and I think you did brilliantly. I have just had my head mashed on challenge 13, hopefully I will be able to do some sentences soon

Well done David, I understood practically everything you said so well done. It’s not easy is it, so you did brilliantly x

Diolch o waelod calon Bev! Very kind of you to say!
Challenege 13 is a real battle, but it sounds like youre doing great to get there!

Week 11 six minutes a day north course.

This is very much out of my comfort zone and not even sure if I have done all the questions but don’t want to quit so thought just bite the bullet and post something without listening too much after even if it isn’t very good.

Thank you for this. I don’t sound at all like my Welsh relatives and the tech took some sorting.

Da iawn @kchibbard (your link is a bit broken, but this one worked: :smile:) and @suzanne-jones-1!

Sorry @jacqui-stoddart, I’ve checked the admin email and couldn’t find anything recent from you in there :grimacing: Could you have sent it somewhere else? If you’d like to keep trying to post it here, what happens when you copy the recording to the clipboard (as you said it did), then come to this thread immediately, start writing a reply, right-click on the text box (the one you write in, or long-tap on the ipad!) and choose ‘Paste’? Does it just not produce anything in the box?

Hopefully this link will work.

Llongyfarchiadau @mari-williams, da iawn! :star2::star2:

Diolch I’m a bit behind with my recording so that’s a very encouraging comment.

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Hope this works even though the Welsh isn’t exactly good. At least I tried![quote=“aran, post:1, topic:10521, full:true”]
So, if you’ve noticed that your speech bubble has gone an (elegant) salmon pink kind of colour…

You’re ready for the next challenge - gaining a red badge!

To gain a bright shiny red badge, just post a recording of you saying the SENTENCES in , then post a link to your recording in this thread, telling us you’ve done it… :slight_smile:

Now, we’ll be keeping an eye on everything in the speaking practice section - so most of the time, whenever we see a PINK post a recording of SENTENCES here, we’ll upgrade them to RED straight away.

But if you post your SENTENCES and you don’t get upgraded, just let @catrinlliarjones know in this thread by tagging her.:slight_smile:

Sorry, here is the link


Llongyfarchiadau on passing the 5 minute test @margaret-chantrell, @tegwen-duffield and @sean-18! I had to get some good headphones to hear yours Sean, your audio’s a bit quiet! :smile:

@Novem Could you award the red badge to @jacqui-stoddart please? She sent her sentence file to Admin as an mp4 file as she finds it hard to use the Recording Tool, but the forum won’t let me upload an mp4 file.

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Here you go @jacqui-stoddart! :partying_face: :star2: Glad it worked, sorry I couldn’t be of more help!

Thanks for your patience! J

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Meant to reply to a specific post.

@margaret-chantrell that was awesome!

@mari-williams very inspirational!