The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** 🔴 (Awarded Mondays)

Da iawn ti! :grin:


I hope i have done this right, i think i need to practice more, i sound very stilted with lots of pauses, but hopefully you know what i am trying to say.

Good job @elizabeth-ann-meredi and @beverleygoodson! Llongyfrachiadau on your red badges!

Here is my set of sentences!! But scary but here goes …

Thought I would give it a go…

Looks like I don’t know how to post it properly!

I think it’s supposed to be the link to the one I did a while ago? If so, here it is!

Great job @jane-whallett, @pam-greengrass, @JamieG and @jane-62! Here are your red badges! :red_circle::red_circle:


Great work @Elinor_L! And yeah, I know the feeling :sweat_smile:

Deborah, I am not sure if this is what I am supposed to be posting but diolch for pointing out something was missing. :slightly_smiling_face:

o diar! 5 min test week 18

Mae’n ofnadwy. Fedra i ddim cofio sut i ddeud unrhywbeth pan dw i’n drio siarad Cymraeg!

Trying my best

Great job everyone on your first recordings! :red_circle:

Congratulations on all three badges @heather-18!

It sounds like you guys are really making great progress! @heather-18 @carole-craven @KP1 @Sian!

Da iawn @paulinehomer! :grin::star2: