The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** 🔴 (Awarded Mondays)

Gwych, great hob on your first recording @DafyddPrys! :tada: :heart:

Hmm, dw i’n meddwl bo fi 'di wneud hob da hefyd!

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Gwych, llongyfarchiadau @keiran-jones ac @eliza-1!

@eliza-1, great job on remembering all the pieces, and for recording them! Would you like to have a go at thinking of something to add to them as well, to make them a full sentence? :slight_smile:

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Da iawn @david-dallimore! :star_struck: :heart: Ah few ums, ahs, and repeated tries in this one. Ond joies i!

Gwych, llongyfarchiadau to everyone on yout first recordings!


Da iawn @HeidiDaniels :heart: :star_struck: :heart:

Gwych. Llongyfarchiadau @RichardTurner ac @anji-muldoon :partying_face: :heart: :heart: