Da iawn @DafyddPrys
Dwi’n teimlo yn dda iawn diolch
Blwyddyn newydd dda pawb.
Gwych, da iawn @eliza-1, @keiran-jones a @david-dallimore
Sorry @eliza-1 and @david-dallimore - I just need to give you a red badge first before I can give you a green one. Could you go over to The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** 🔴 (Awarded Mondays) - #2034 by Novem and post your red badge recordings there for me? I’ll then give you both your red and green badges
Joies i hi yn fawr iawn!
Wnes i ddim gwneud llawer dydd Sadwrn,ond dydd Sul es i mas gyda ychydigo ffrindau.
Hi Keiran-jones this my reply to your question.
Diolch yn fawr iawn
Here’s mynsimple question, hope i said it right!
I couldn’t think of an intersting question, so I have instead opted to give anyone else who went to Primary School in Wales a traumatic flashback. Enjoy!