Going GREEN - week 19 'QUESTION' recording **Red to Green badge** ❇ (Awarded Mondays)

Da iawn @HeidiDaniels :star_struck: :green_heart: :green_heart:

Wnes i ddim gwneud llawer dydd Sadwrn,ond dydd Sul es i mas gyda ychydigo ffrindau.

Hi Keiran-jones this my reply to your question.
Diolch yn fawr iawn

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Here’s mynsimple question, hope i said it right!

Gwych, da iawn @Catseye, @Samson a @chris-winstone :green_heart: :green_heart: :tada: :star_struck:

I couldn’t think of an intersting question, so I have instead opted to give anyone else who went to Primary School in Wales a traumatic flashback. Enjoy!

Llongyfarchiadau on your question recordings @anthony-morgan-1 a @colin-smith-1! :green_heart: :green_heart: :tada:

Colin - I’m missing your red badge recording! If you post it and let me know again here, I can give you both your red and green badges at the same time :slight_smile:

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Llongyfarchiadau on your green badge @anji-muldoon! :green_heart: :star_struck:

Sorry @caroline-malone - it looks like something when wrong trying to link the recording! Could you try again? I’m also missing your red badge recording, so would need that before I can give you a green badge :slight_smile: :muscle: :partying_face: :green_heart: :heart:

Gwych, llongyfarchiadau on your green badge @caroline-malone :partying_face: :partying_face: :green_heart:

Gwych, @verity-davey :green_heart: :partying_face: :partying_face: :slight_smile:

Apparently I can’t post “diolch” too many times in a row, so, thank you!