The '5 Min' Test- week 18 'SENTENCES' recording **Pink to Red badge** šŸ”“ (Awarded Mondays)

Gwych, llongyfarchiadau to everyone on yout first recordings!


Da iawn @HeidiDaniels :heart: :star_struck: :heart:

Gwych. Llongyfarchiadau @RichardTurner ac @anji-muldoon :partying_face: :heart: :heart:

Unfortunately its very quiet. But hereā€™s my best go at it.

Peidewch gwrando ar y recordio ā€˜ma os gwellwch yn dda. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Llongyfarchiadau @Catseye, @chris-winstone a @anthony-morgan-1 :heart: :partying_face: :star_struck:

Unfortunately I canā€™t hear anything @eliza-1 :frowning:

I know, donā€™t know what happened with my mic, also I am busy with work .I will try again but canā€™t promiss it will be soon

Is this where I post it?

Yes, this is the right place - Novem usually gives out the badges on Mondays, so heā€™ll see this next Monday :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve just realised they were supposed to be sentences from the sentence prompts that were givenā€¦ā€¦ perhaps I should repeat it again!

No harm in repeating it - itā€™s all good practice!

Sounds like most of them were in there! Da iawn @suzanne-roberts :star_struck: :heart: