Speaking of just taking the plunge any chance we get, even if we’re probably not really ready…
I guess it might be worth sharing this story:
this summer a Welsh class mate of mine from Australia, Jen, and I decided to go to the Eisteddfod.
On the way, one morning, she got offered a lift. In the car there was also Eleri Siôn (the presenter, reporting every day from the Maes).
After hearing our story, Eleri invited her to do an interview, and Jen sent me a message asking me to join her.
Basically we walked out of the rain into the Pavilion backstage. Just time to take our rainproof jacket hood off and get a lovely, warm, but quick welcome from the staff and… 3 minutes later we were answering questions in Welsh in front of a camera!
I didn’t have the chance to see it on the TV, but from that evening I started getting messages from friends, and then having several random people stopping me and congratulating after having seen me on the telly/Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok.
Turned out that S4C had also unleashed a very short (and cleverly edited - @sara-peacock-1 might know more about how these things work) clip from our interview on social medias with the title:
"Croeso i Gymru | benvenuti in Galles | Welcome to Wales
Mae dysgwyr Cymraeg ym mhob cwr o’r byd! "
Well, speaking for myself, my treigladau and hair were equally disastrous …but to my surprise, with now almost 8500 likes and dozens of positive comments I have to assume that quite a few people enjoyed it anyway.
Hopefully a few of them will start learning the language, or using it more in their daily life, or even just feel a little more proud of it.
And of course hopefully some will also start listening to Datblygu…ha!
This not for self-promotion, just to mean that am aware that us non-residents can’t really expect to make a huge difference on how much Welsh is spoken in the Welsh communities every day.
But maybe the small things we do can have more of an impact than we can imagine, and then even more worth going for it!
p.s. oh I had actually mentioned SSiW, but didn’t make it into the clip.