SSi Spanish (New app)

If you have any comments or notice anything odd in SSi Spanish in the latest app, here’s the place to let us know.

How do I go about reporting errors in the Spanish course? A couple of times I have noticed that, when a new word is introduced, the (Spanish) example is different to what it should be, E.G. I’ve just been told that “I’m trying to” is, in Spanish, “se dice trantando de” ( Male voice only and spoken correctly when we have spoken our answer) Also the female response to “those” is a really drawn out “Soooooooon”

I can’t give a timestamp obviously


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I’ve just created this SSi Spanish thread for those of you using the latest version of the Spanish course in the new app, and moved your comment here, @Tony_Davis.

Something to check @Novem :slight_smile:


Thanks Tony!

We’ve found a fix for this in more recent courses so I might just regenerate a bunch of the audio for Spanish with the new method…!


Thanks Deborah