If you have any comments or notice anything odd in SSi Spanish in the latest app, here’s the place to let us know.
How do I go about reporting errors in the Spanish course? A couple of times I have noticed that, when a new word is introduced, the (Spanish) example is different to what it should be, E.G. I’ve just been told that “I’m trying to” is, in Spanish, “se dice trantando de” ( Male voice only and spoken correctly when we have spoken our answer) Also the female response to “those” is a really drawn out “Soooooooon”
I can’t give a timestamp obviously
I’ve just created this SSi Spanish thread for those of you using the latest version of the Spanish course in the new app, and moved your comment here, @Tony_Davis.
Something to check @Novem
Thanks Tony!
We’ve found a fix for this in more recent courses so I might just regenerate a bunch of the audio for Spanish with the new method…!
Thanks Deborah
Hi Deborah,
I had the app reset itself again. In the hope of getting back to where I was I skipped ahead as much as I could as I didn’t want to start at the beginning for a 3rd time. The problem is now the gap between Aran and the native speakers is so short it is impossible to get the words out. I have tried the rewind button to rectify this but it’s not helped. Could this be looked into ASAP please?
I’ve passed that information through to the Tech Team to see if something can be done to help. In the meantime, all I can suggest is that you make use of the Pause feature until you become more familiar with the material and you’re able to get it out quickly enough.
Hi @gregnando
There are quite a few improvements coming down the line and are fairly imminent - 18 in fact - I happen to know as I have just approved the build. It is in the review process with the Stores at present.
This will likely be made available on Monday morning so that we can make sure that the new versions of everything can go out at the same time and we are around for support.
The new version of the App switches to a pointer system -which keeps a record of your latest progress - and will always start with that. After that it will attempt to complete some gaps, if there are any; these are created due to stopping part way through an item and re-starting at the beginning of the next. Finally it will do some revision.
The thing that gives the impression of going backwards is the App trying to complete the gaps first - as it does now - hence the order change above. Skip does not alter whether the item is considered ‘done’ but does move you forward and increases the speed.
Logging off and logging on will clear the Speed setting. The current version of the App will present the gaps to you when you log on…so you’d need to be prepared for that. But knocking them down will mean they are done as far as the App is concerned.
The new version will take you to your latest content first.
The team doing Japanuary have been testing the latest version and feel it is a big improvement…and continuous improvement is our objective.
Thanks for your patience - apologies if this is a longer answer than you were expecting! …and…
Thanks for you help - it’s the feedback here that allows us to fix things.
Very grateful for the reply Rich.
Have a great weekend
Hey everyone - I’m about to upload a very overdue update to the Spanish course which will rightly give it its “beta” tag. This will include all kinds of tweaks suggested by Deborah during her proofreading of the course as well as small audio fixes I’ve seen mentioned. I’ll hold off on redoing all the presentations for now - we’re looking at possibly running the course through the latest methodology improvements so it’ll be less work to do it then
The update should be with you this week if all goes well…
All didn’t quite go well (sorry!), but I’ve just uploaded the course - it just needs us to quickly check that it’s running correctly before we make it live. ETA tomorrow! I’ll give the details of what kinds of things have changed
And v.1.1.0 of SSiSpanish is live!
This is a massive update for Spanish, which has come as a result of Deborah’s hard work reading throught the ENTIRE course! Any mistakes left in the content are most likely things that I couldn’t fix easily due to methodology, technology or time constraints, but we will keep updating this course as we do the others so look forward to fixes in the future as well. But hopefully this should improve the experience for both new and advanced learners as there are fixes throughout the course, not just the beginning.
I have regenerated the introductions, meaning that this new version will be consistent with the other courses, where you hear both the Spanish voices saying the word when it’s first introduced (which should minimize cases where both repetitions are gibberish)
While I’ve fixed some of the clips that have been reported, I’d expect there to still be many broken ones out there - so please keep reporting them when you hear them
What does beta tag mean Kai? And can the course be reset from the start.
Muchas gracias
Why is the classic challenges, original course and tourist courses asking me to try out or signup?
They’re redirecting to the wrong place. If you’re logged into the app, they should take you to the right place on the website. @rich ?
Hi Alan,
… if you are talking about the links under My Resources, there is a known bug here which is on the list - apologies for that.
There is a workaround; If you click in one of the forum links in the list and log on, I believe the other links will then work.
We will fix it soon.
Yeah under my resources.
Ok Gracias
Heya! The beta tag has just been added because it should have been there originally - we just didnt use them yet when this course was created and it hasn’t had an update since then!
But basically it just means that, like all the other courses, it needs a bit more time for enough people to go through it and give us feedback, and for us to see how well they’re learning. Mainly we want to find more of the clips that sound a bit awkward and wrong, but we also want to add some more phrases to the courses to make them better before we’re ready to completely drop the “beta”
We don’t have a way to reset the course at the moment, so Rich would have to get that sorted for you. But I doubt you need to go back! The only changes to the course are fixes to some specific phrases, where we’ve mostly just removed some bad quality phrases from the pool - there’s no changes to the overall structure of the course.
Ok thanks a lot Kai. I guess i thought with new stuff added to course.id need to restart, as i haven’t used it much lately, concentrating on tourist courses.
You might need to do it for a bit to get back in the groove, but you’ll definitely be fine
Any actual new content we might add in the future will come up as new items even if you’re past that point in the course I think! But for now this is just an improved version of the previous one