Southern 6.1 cwpla vs gorffen

Imagine my surprise when gorffen suddenly pops up! Haha! You guys got me good…


In the whole Course 1 you’ll hear gorffen only this once and never ever again. :slight_smile:

And, did you know that I remembered exactly you when going through this lesson 3 weeks ago? I said to myself "@wrenmoyer will be happily surprised again … :smiley:

I was surprised when doing this lesson for the first time but when going through it again (and again …) this gorffen bit always brought smile to my face. :slight_smile:

Hapy learning and dealing with differences!


Funnily enough, “cwpla” doesn’t appear anywhere in the Northern Course 1 (or 2) that I remember.

I was hearing it all week on my first bwtcamp (Tresaith), and it was only towards the end of the week when I finally twigged what it meant. :slight_smile: