Oh, wow, thanks for the offer! I should be at Manchester Airport by 9.15, but can always wait if you don’t want to get up that early (I wouldn’t want to get up that early).
But yeah, let’s see if there’s someone who wouldn’t have to drive three hours just for that
Hi Cai, it is possible that Jeff will be working in Manchester and could give you a lift to us or somewhere like Chester but we won’t know definitely until a few weeks before.
If you book direct with Ty Glyndwr and you are happy with a dorm it’s £20 a night. https://www.tyglyndwr.co.uk/
I’m staying there for the party and I was there at the weekend - central, clean and the owners are lovely.
I have, after some digging (it was booked last year of course) just found our booking confirmation email, which says “We’ll be in touch for the balance three months before the event”. But nobody has been in touch.
Have I missed something? Or have people not been asked to pay the balance as yet. I’m quite ready to pay, as soon as the means to do so is offered.